Some will tell you that television is evil and should be avoided at all costs. They say that being idle is a bad thing. Personally, I think if you are selective in what you watch, you will actually see a lot of good happening on TV. I am not advocating that you quit your job and watch TV all day, but it can be a good way to unwind on occasion. I certainly have some favorite shows and have been a loyal follower of some for many years.

For example, I’ve been a fan of Grey’s Anatomy since its second season and have to admit that it hasn’t always been classic material. In fact, I’ve secretly been thinking it may be time for them to pull the plug on it. This week’s episode was a good one and I’m glad I didn’t miss it. If you are a fan, you can’t help but love Miranda Bailey. She’s got it together. But (spoiler alert if you haven’t watched it yet) we almost lost her this week to a heart attack.

Besides being a good lesson for women to pay attention to the symptoms our bodies give us and to be aware of how they are different from a man’s, it was just a good lesson on life. So good in fact that I had to rewind and record her words so as to not miss a single one. Here is what Miranda had to say…

Life is terrifying…(it) is too precious to waste doing anything less than what makes us happy…It’s not about whether you spend your life in the board room, your bedroom, or on the beach in Maui; when you look back on your life the only thing that matters is did you spend it doing the things you love with the people you love? Were you happy? Did you make the most of this beautiful terrifying messed up life? Did you let go of all the things that held you back so you can hold on to what matters most?

So how do you answer that today? If you can say no to any one of those questions, it may be time to make a change. God created you to have an amazing life. If you aren’t living your life with joy, it is time to make a change. It may require a minor tweak or it may call for a significant overhaul. The reality is that even if you’re doing everything “right,” if you are stressed or unhappy with your life it will take its toll on your health and your whole being.

I do differ with one clause in her little monologue and that is her reference to the only thing that matters. Although doing what you love with the people you love is important, I personally feel having Christ as the focal point in life is what makes all the difference. Unfortunately, mainstream media isn’t going to showcase that very often. But having lived on both sides of that coin, I’ll take the side with Him every time.

Living in alignment with what we really value in life can be hard. Life gets in the way. A lot. But it can be done. I encourage you to find out what it is that makes you really happy and do what you can to live it. If you aren’t sure what that is or if you need some help getting your actions to line up with your values, I’d love to help you. Send me a message or give me a call and let’s visit.

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