We all have it.  That little voice that calls us to be the best we can be.  The one that urges us to step up.  To jump in.  To go for it.  To give more.  To be more.  Some head the call, but some don’t.  They may be telling themselves, “It’s too hard.” Or, “It makes me uncomfortable.”  Or, “It will make my life complicated.”

Others hear the little voice and think its a call to be great according to the world’s standards.  We think we need to work harder.  Do more.  Be more.  But we can never be enough.  Sadly many believe it’s all about the car we drive, the amount of money we make, the balance in our bank account, the house we live in, or the vacations we take.  

Others still never hear the voice because they are so busy going a 100 miles an hour in every direction they never sit still long enough to hear God’s voice calling to them.  They have so much clutter and noise in their lives that they find it comforting and don’t know how to deal with quiet moments, so they avoid them.  

I know.  I’ve been in each of these scenarios and talk about my experiences in the show.  In this second episode,  I talk about why I am creating Reviving Your Soul (Now Longing for More), what I intend to cover in the show, and why I think it is important to do this show now.  

The bible warns us in many places that there will be many false doctrines and I think one that is impacting our world today is the lie that tells us we don’t need to be in scripture to be a good Christian or to have a good life.   And in some ways that is true.  There are millions of really nice people out there, doing good work, going to church every week, and living in prosperity.  They never question if what they read, hear, or think is true.  But I believe we need to or we can easily be led astray.  Often by well-meaning “experts.”  

So many think of the Bible as something that keeps us from having fun.  In fact, it is quite the opposite.  God’s laws revive us, make us wise, bring joy to our hearts, give us insights, warn us, and reward us.  God’s laws provide light to our paths and a guideline to follow rather than chains that hold us captive.  They point at success to guide and warn us of upcoming danger.  

In this episode, I discuss the types of topics that I plan to cover in future episodes of the show.  

I hope you will join me on this journey as I step out in faith and follow the little voice in my head that is calling me to share with my listeners how they can become the best version of themselves and can start living the lives their souls are longing for.  

Please check out the episode here.

You can also find links to all episodes of the podcast at longingformorepodcast.com.  

Thank you for checking it out!  I’d love to hear what you think or if you have topics you’d like me to discuss.  Have an amazing day.  

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