It is easy for us to sit back and judge those involved in condemning Jesus to death that dark day over 2,000 years ago. Judas, disappointed that his hopes for an earthy ruler had been dashed, led his friend to His killers. The Jewish leaders who had studied and memorized the Law didn’t recognize the Messiah who came to fulfill the prophesies written in the Torah. The Apostles who had devoted their lives to following Jesus weren’t willing to trust Him as He went to trial. They turned their back on Jesus in His time of need. Even Peter, the man who would eventually start the Christian church, denied Christ three times as He was on trial.
We are dumbfounded that they couldn’t (and some still don’t) see that Jesus is our LORD, “is, who always was, and who is still to come” (Revelation 1:8) because He didn’t line up with who they thought He should be.
Like us today, we will only follow Him so far, and if things He says or asks us to do don’t “feel” right, we turn away and walk our own path questioning, “What is Truth?” anyway.
Trusting Jesus means we accept things as true that don’t make sense and are contrary to what the world says is true.
We ALL are guilty of denying Jesus in some area of our lives, whether it be relationships, forgiveness, our work ethic, or our beliefs of what is socially moral. Often, we take pride in knowing that we haven’t committed certain sins and excuse ourselves by pointing at others whose sins appear to be greater than ours.
Is Truth on trial? I believe it is in this world where this prediction in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 has come true.
For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.
In today’s world, the concept of truth has become increasingly relative. With diverse perspectives and shifting cultural norms, many people question whether absolute Truth even exists. Yet, as Christians, we believe in a Truth that surpasses human opinions and preferences. Our conviction lies in the belief that ultimate Truth is found in the Bible, which we hold to be the inspired and infallible Word of God.
In a society where personal beliefs and experiences often dictate what is considered true, the idea of an absolute Truth can seem antiquated or even oppressive. Many argue that truth is relative, varying from person to person or culture to culture. While this perspective may seem to promote tolerance and inclusivity, it can also lead to moral relativism, where all viewpoints are deemed equally valid, regardless of whether they align with reality or not.
However, the Christian faith challenges this notion by asserting that truth is not subjective but rather grounded in the character and nature of God Himself. Jesus Christ proclaimed, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6), emphasizing that truth is not merely a concept to be debated but a person to be encountered and we encounter Him in His Word.
In the beginning the Word already existed.
The Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
He existed in the beginning with God.
God created everything through him,
and nothing was created except through him.
John 1: 1-3
Jesus is fully human and fully God. He did not cease to be God when He came to earth to die for our sins. When He rose on Easter morning, He opened the doors of heaven for each and every one of us regardless of our sins. If we are not willing to believe this foundational truth, how can we claim to have enough faith to trust our eternal destiny to Him?
As Christians, we believe that the Bible is the ultimate authority on truth. It is more than just a collection of ancient texts; it is the living and active Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit. The apostle Paul affirms this in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, stating that all Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.
In a world where various voices clamor for our attention, it can be tempting to seek truth in other sources—whether from influential ministers, Christian friends, specialized Bibles, or charismatic churches. While these can provide valuable insights, they are not infallible. Human interpretation is fallible and prone to error, and even well-meaning individuals or institutions can inadvertently distort the truth to suit their own agendas or preferences.
Listening to voices other than the Bible without discernment can lead us astray from the path of truth. Scripture warns us of false prophets who come disguised as sheep but inwardly are ferocious wolves (Matthew 7:15). Even within the Christian community, there are those who may twist the Word of God to justify their own ideologies or actions, leading others astray in the process.
Moreover, the proliferation of specialized Bibles and interpretations can sometimes obscure the clarity of Scripture, introducing confusion rather than illumination. While study aids and commentaries can enhance our understanding, they should never replace the primacy of the Bible itself.
In a world of relativism and shifting sands, the Bible stands as an immovable anchor, guiding us into all truth (John 16:13). It reveals to us the character of God, the nature of humanity, and the path to redemption through Jesus Christ. As Christians, we must diligently study the Scriptures, allowing them to shape our beliefs, values, and actions.
It’s ironic that Pilate, the man who sentenced Jesus to death, asked the One who is Truth, “What is Truth?” (John 18:38). In Holy Week, as we reflect on the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, let us remember that the ultimate truth was standing before Pilate, yet he failed to recognize it. May we not make the same mistake but instead cling to the truth revealed in the person of Jesus Christ and the Word of God.
In conclusion, while the world may espouse the relativity of truth, we as Christians must affirm the absolute truth found in the Bible. It is our firm foundation in a sea of uncertainty, our light in the darkness of confusion.
Too many people, including faithful Christians, struggle in this world of chaos and disorder. Because the world has convinced so many that the Bible is an outdated book of fables written by man, they do not turn to it for answers to problems in all areas of life. Instead, many remain stressed out and overwhelmed trying to find the path to a life of meaning. They are convinced that God promises health, wealth, and prosperity and when that doesn’t happen, they can become disillusioned by their faith.
Many times, the answers we find in Scripture are not the answers we seek. Thankfully, the answers we discover there lead us, and hopefully the ones we love, to a life of meaning, peace and fulfillment.
Can you be saved without ever opening the Bible. Yes, but why forgo the opportunity to live a life that truly matters? Why forgo the opportunity to Live Your More?
Let us hold fast to the Word of God, guarding against the dangers of distorted truth and faithfully proclaiming the Good News to a world in need of genuine hope and redemption.
Is Truth on trial? I believe it is, but we know that Jesus wins. Rest in Him and you will, too.
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