Whether it is a national election, results from a medical test, or any other of a million things we wait for in life, it is so hard to wait.
We can think of nothing else. Particularly if it is news that will make a major impact on our life; good or bad.
Today we wait for election returns. Our nation is so divided on what the right course is for our future and emotions are running high.
But should that impact the way you and I are living our lives?
I don’t think so. Regardless of the situation, as followers of Jesus, we are called to remain calm. To trust him in the midst of the storm.
Why is that so hard to do?
Because we think we need to know.
We can fix things if we know what to fix, right?
But what if we aren’t supposed to know?
What if we are simply supposed to trust Jesus through the process.
Even when it’s hard.
Even when it doesn’t look like it is going our way.
Yes, especially then.
Because Jesus is right there with us.
He will give us the strength to carry on every single day no matter what if only we will ask him to.
So pray. Ask Jesus to give you strength and understanding. And the ability to love all of the people He brings into your life; even, and especially, the ones who seem hard to love.
Whether they are with us or against us, simply love them and try to understand.
Jesus is right there.
You may not be able to see Him.
You may not even be able to feel His presence.
But He is in control and He will help you take the next step and then the next.
I promise. Whatever it is you are waiting for, He’s got you. He’s got our leaders, He’s got our election officials and medical staff who are stressed out and exhausted. He’s got everyone who is suffering or anxiously waiting today.
So live your faith and wait in peace.
© 2016 – 2025, Vona Johnson Coaching LLC, All rights reserved.