It’s been an exciting couple of weeks. The journey I’m on took some twists and turns I hadn’t really expected. It started out when I received confirmation on a speaking engagement I’ve been really excited about, then I had a particularly awesome session with a coaching client, and lastly, I was appointed to the city commission for my hometown. To some, lumping the first two events with the third seems almost disrespectful of the honor that comes with the third, but they are really important to me as a fledgling entrepreneur.

Since retiring January, I’ve been working full time on my health coaching and direct marketing companies.  Then a few weeks ago, completely out of the blue I was approached to take the commission position. Honestly, I wasn’t looking to take on any additional responsibilities and certainly had never envisioned myself as a politician. But when someone I like and respect asked me to step up for my community, I accepted because it opened up a longing in me I hadn’t even realize had been buried since my retirement.  

I found myself excited about the challenge and the opportunity to use the knowledge and skills I’ve acquired throughout my previous professional career without having to give up my dream of helping others reach their dreams; whether it be regaining their health, getting their career on track, or just finding a way to gain control of their life again.

Although I’ve had lots of wonderful words of encouragement from friends and people throughout the community one note, in particular, gave me pause. It said, “I just have to say it. There was a day nobody would have guessed you’d be a city commissioner…”

At first, I struggled with what exactly they meant by that. Was it because I was very shy and quiet in my early years? Or was it because I ran around with some who may have been considered the “rough” crowd? After some consideration, I came to the conclusion that it really doesn’t matter because I am who I am today because of every single event that has happened to me in my life and I wouldn’t change a single thing (ok, maybe a few wardrobe choices or hairstyles, but you know what I mean).

The point is, we all can and should change as we grow older. We can become whoever we want to become at any stage in our lives. It is totally up to us if we are open to accepting the opportunities that come our way. If we aren’t living the life of our dreams and if we aren’t living on the edge at least a little, we may not be living the life God intended for us to live.

I really believe that my purpose is to help people be the best they can be and step out of their comfort zone to get there. How does that fit in with being a city commissioner? I really don’t know other than maybe it is intended to help me be the best person I can be. What I do know is I am right where God wants me to be today and it will all work out exactly the way it is supposed to.  In the meantime, I have a lot to learn and I’m looking forward to wherever it is that the twists and turns in the road ahead take me.

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