As I stood in the boarding area waiting for a seating assignment for my flight home early yesterday, I kept noticing this somewhat disheveled, casually dressed man. When our eyes would meet, I would look away quickly because, honestly, I was intrigued by him but didn’t want him to think I was staring. It was the first leg of my journey home from the most inspiring and uplifting event where I heard story after story of people whose lives had been forever changed due to the benefits of health coaching and I was excited to get home and change the world myself. I had learned that we are all at the beginning edge of a much-needed health revolution. It was so big, I wasn’t even sure where to start when I got home.

Because I had forgotten to get my seat assignment when I purchased my ticket, I knew I would be stuck in the dreaded middle seat. I decided to be positive about it and simply asked God that I sit by someone who could help me in my business. Sorry if that sounds self-serving, but I really was thinking of it in terms that I would be helping someone with their health or possibly even someone who would want to partner with me in my new supplement business so they could improve their financial situation. God had a different plan altogether.

As it turns out, the mystery man (who I now know is a marketing and branding professional) was to be my travel companion for the next four and a half hours. He, the young man on my right, and I ended up in the most engaging conversation I have ever had on an airplane. I walked away with some great advice for my business and some intriguing concepts about
life that I would never have considered had I not sat in Seat 30E on my way to Denver. One nugget I gleaned was to be effective in sharing what I have to offer, I need to learn to tell my story, so here goes….

In recent years I’ve noticed more and more people of all ages become sicker and sicker, I mean really sick with chronic conditions, getting no relief from mainstream medical doctors; people with stomach problems, debilitating headaches, diabetes or intense pain. They would take drugs, do physical therapy, and even have surgery, often with no relief or with terrible side effects.

As a student of health, I knew the root cause of these problems, but who is going to believe a housing professional about health solutions? I tried offering an amazing product line that can really improve overall health with great results for some, but it didn’t fit the bill for everyone. That is why I got my health coaching certificate and jumped into providing health solutions full time.

What most people don’t realize is that almost everything we do causes inflammation in our bodies. The foods we eat and the household and personal care products we use are full of chemicals our bodies can’t handle. Stress is also a huge factor as is they way we think about ourselves and life in general. Even the exercise we do can add to the problem.

Our bodies can only fight off so much then it starts to rebel. At first, it might be acne, a cough, a cold, or a headache, but eventually, we develop more serious illnesses or pain. I hear all the time that this little bit here or there won’t matter, but it does! It is hard to make drastic changes and maintain new routines. It is also more overwhelming because well-intended people will give advice that may or may not be right for you. Unfortunately, many companies are marketing their products as natural and healthy, but so much of it is full of chemicals our bodies can’t process.

The good news is there are very simple changes that can literally change everything. That is my goal. To provide the information and assistance you need so you can begin your journey back to feeling great again. To be honest, it can be a bit overwhelming to know where to begin, but I am grateful to my new friend on the plane yesterday who pointed me in the right direction. I wish I could thank him for those simple words at the end of the conversation…he simply said, “tell your story. They gotta know why you do this.”

That is it, friend. It’s because I truly am excited to be a part of this worldwide revolution where we begin to regain our health, but more importantly, I am honored to be a part of your health revolution.  Are you ready?

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