The first time I heard Cat’s in the Cradle after Harry Chapin released it back in 1974, I instantly fell in love with it. The words haunted me with a sadness I couldn’t shake. It reminds me of the relationships we don’t take the time to nurture in our lives and I don’t remember ever being able to listen to it without shedding at least a few tears.

I haven’t heard it or even thought of it for years until just recently. I started thinking about it as I questioned why over a third of our graduating seniors were absent from the special blessing for them during worship last Sunday. It’s been a tradition in our church for as long as I remember. The grads wear their caps and gowns and sit together during the sermon and then they are called to the altar for a message or blessing. I’ve always thought it is a beautiful way to begin one of the most important days of their lives.

I got really curious about why some chose not to be there. Granted, it is a busy time.  There are lots of preparations to do.  Friends and family come to town to help celebrate. There are dozens of graduation parties to attend. And the inevitable late nights that go hand in hand with the celebration make us tired. It’s a sign of our times, we are busy. 

Which takes me back to the song. The chorus changes slightly as the son grows up and the last one goes;

And the cats’ in the cradle and the silver spoon

Little boy blue and the man in the moon

“When you coming home, son?” “I don’t know when”

But we’ll get together then, dad

We’re gonna have a good time then

It’s sad to imagine the aging father sitting in his chair waiting for his son will come for a visit that doesn’t happen.  His heart breaks as he realizes that his son grew up to be just like him and was too busy to spend time with the people in his life. Just like he was too busy with his responsibilities at a younger age. 

And then I had this vision of Jesus sitting in his chair waiting for us to just reach out to him. To say hello. To thank him. Maybe even to stop in at the church and worship Him once in a while.  What He wouldn’t do to just have a meaningful conversation with us. But we’re too busy, aren’t we? 

And it doesn’t have to be unchristian like things that keep us too busy.  It can be serving our neighbor, or visiting a sick friend, or, like the men in the song, working to provide for our families. Just like the child who longs for attention from his or her parent or the parent who longs for attention from his or her child, Jesus longs for attention from us.  He wants to have a relationship with us. He yearns for us to sit quietly with him in the Word. And he loves it when we, like King David, dance for joy to celebrate a gift he has given us. And he, like us, feels appreciated when we thank him for all the many things he blesses us with throughout our day.  

Whether it’s a typical day or an extraordinary day, Jesus wants us to take the time to visit with him and seek his guidance on how we are to go about His business.  Because it’s all His business. It frustrates Him when we hold back pieces of our lives like we don’t think he cares enough to help or our struggles aren’t big enough to bother Him with. Or when we don’t invite him into the big days. Like graduations. Like weddings. Like the birth of children. Those are generally the busiest times and they are also the times we need him the most. Yet, we don’t make the time.  

 He wants us to remember that he created us in our mother’s womb.  He numbers every hair on our head, he lays out everything we need to have an amazing life, but he wants us to talk to him.  To fear him.  To seek to know him.

Once we recognize that any effort we make apart from him is useless and that life only makes sense when we are living in his will, our lives begin to feel fulfilling. He loves us and wants us to ask for help or for the things we need. He wants us to ask for his blessing each day throughout our lives.  Especially when its a big deal and especially when we are really busy.  

Because if we do slow down and enjoy His presence in those moments, we will see them from a different perspective.  We’ll see them for the gift they really are and appreciate that they are truly special while we are in the moment instead of realizing it years later after the moment is gone. I believe that is what God wants from us. To be fully present in our lives. To celebrate the big moments and the small moments.  And to rely on him to guide us each and every step of our journey. 

As I mentioned in last week’s episode, we get to choose how we live our lives and we get to choose what kind of relationship we will have with Christ.  If we keep him at arm’s length, he won’t be close when we need him.  Oh, he’ll be there in a moment again if we ask, but like a relationship we neglect here on earth, if we neglect it too long, it gets more difficult to make that contact. To initiate that conversation.  It feels awkward and uncomfortable.  

But if we talk to him every day.  If we have an ongoing conversation with him, then when things get difficult or when we have something to celebrate, it is only natural to talk to Jesus about it.  Truly, If we embrace his presence in all circumstances, he’ll be right beside us when times get tough. Because as glorious as graduation, marriage, and the birth of our children are, there will always be difficult days ahead.  Days when we will want Jesus’ help and guidance.  

When I connected the song, Cat’s in the Cradle with the idea that Jesus is waiting to hear from us, I did a little research on what that phrase means.  Some connect the words in the chorus to various nursery rhymes, and that makes sense to me. I got a chuckle out of one person’s use of the phrase as a response for when someone passes the millionth raincheck for a get-together or date.  Have you, too, taken one too many rain checks with the people in your life?  How about Jesus? Does he feel like he’s given you too many rain checks?  Is it time to stop being harried and overwhelmed and really focus on what is important? Why not commit to changing that today? It doesn’t matter where you are right now, all you have to do is start the conversation. No more someday. 

If you haven’t already, invite the Holy Spirit into your heart and begin to seek his guidance throughout all your days.  If you’re a Christian, but don’t have a meaningful relationship with Jesus, start getting to know him better now.  Seek that connection that you maybe didn’t even know was yours to have.  Don’t know how? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you. He’s been dying for you to ask.  Doing so will bring a sense of peace, calm, and joy that will surpass any of the earthy rewards we work so hard to obtain.  He alone can rescue us from our crazy busy lives. 

Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?  It really can be transformational, but it can also be scary to start a journey down a path you’ve never been on before.  Let me know if I can help. It truly would be my joy to point you in the right direction or to walk the path with you.  

Thank you for stopping by today.  If you haven’t already, you may enjoy listening to this message in audio on my Longing for More podcast.  I appreciate every minute you spend with me.  Your time is the most valuable resource you have and that you would spend it with me makes my day.  If you know of someone who could benefit from this message, please share it with them in a text message, in an email, or tag them on Facebook. If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter so you don’t miss a release. Thanks again for stopping by. Go, have an amazing day and start to Live Your More today!

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