As we celebrate the United States’ 244th birthday this week, we have much to be grateful for. It’ll be an unusual year as we observe Independence Day while balancing social distancing with resuming life, but that isn’t what this episode is about. Instead, as we continue our series on designing a new normal focused on living a life of peace and fulfillment, I want to discuss the freedom we have in Christ and how I believe we, as Christians, are called to best utilize that freedom. I hope you’ll join me as I dig into the blessing, and yes, the curse of freedom.

My handy digital dictionary defines independence as freedom from control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others. It is my belief that as much as we all strive to be independent, we aren’t. Each and every one of us is controlled, influenced, supported, or aided by others. Certainly, everyone has different degrees of the help we receive but we all depend on someone or something for many if not most areas of our life. 

We need someone to stock the shelves at the grocery store, raise the food we eat, and everything in between. We also need repairmen, hairdressers, tech support teams, and car salespeople to help supply and maintain some of our basic needs. This list could go on and on. 

But those examples don’t even begin to touch the more essential need we all have to experience love, safety, and belonging in our lives. Even if we could figure out a way to isolate ourselves on an island and provide all or food and shelter needs on our own, we would still have that inner longing for more. 

It’s a balancing act to find the right amount of independence to help us feel like we are making a contribution to the world while still being open to receiving the help we so often need. Think of it in terms of our children and how they are dependent on everything as an infant and then, as they begin to mature, they become more and more self-sufficient. There are certain things that they should be doing for themselves as they get older. And if they don’t or can’t for some reason, they begin to lose confidence in their abilities. They begin to fear failure and eventually stop trying. 

So independence is a good thing. Something we strive for. But it can also be a bad thing. Because if it’s been drilled into our heads so strongly that we have to do it ourselves, that we never accept any help and always insist on doing it alone. Our pride takes over and we grow apart from those who God placed in our lives to serve and be served by. We may even distance ourselves from God. 

And I don’t ever think that should be the result of our growth. We should always remain anchored in him and know that when we drift away from his guidance, we’ve become too independent. I know because I’ve been there. Self-assurance is a good thing until we get so cocky we forget to ask God for his help, guidance, and protection. 

I think if we are doing life right, we will flow back and forth between the two extremes of needing help to accomplish our goals and being able to do it all on our own. Confident in some things and timid in others. As we practice and grow we get better and then we try something new that throws us back down the ladder of ability. And that, my friend, is the balance between peace and fulfillment. Constantly getting good at something and then stretching ourselves to try something outside our comfort zone that helps fulfill our potential.

It’s not easy, I know. Once I have clarity on what God is calling me to do, figuring out what is mine to do and what is God’s is hard. And it can be frustrating.  And sometimes it feels like he calls us to something and then forgets because nothing happens. And it’s usually because we don’t do anything. We are waiting for God to take the first step. Ironically, I’m pretty certain that he’s up there watching and wondering if WE are ever going to take that first step.  It’s a lot like when a baby is learning to walk, if we don’t let go they will never learn on their own. On the same token, God’s not going to catch us before we at least try taking a step!

As much as we like to think we are self-sufficient, we need others with different talents abilities to help us in life. It’s the way God designed us so we can live and work in the community and develop relationships.  

But it doesn’t stop there. God also wants a relationship with us. He is longing for us to reach out to him for help when we get stuck or need a boost. But so many of us don’t. We keep pushing and striving; believing that we alone are the might and power to get things done.

Except we aren’t. At worst, we are ineffective with we do things on our own. At best, we are sufficient. To be truly amazing, we need to partner with God and the people he places in our lives to reach our highest potential. He’s waiting to move mountains for us if we are willing to act in his will and work for his glory. And yet, we hold back. We don’t ask. And struggle through. Creating stress, overwhelm, and dissatisfaction with life. 

And the best part is that we are free to choose the route we want to take. God doesn’t beg us to work with him and he certainly doesn’t make us take his help. And that is the beauty of freedom. There are two sides to the coin. We can choose to continue doing things the hard way on our own, or we can choose to partner with God and see how he will help carry our burden. 

The world has convinced us there are certain ways to do things and we won’t fit in and we won’t belong if we don’t do it this particular way. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can surrender our lives to God and do things his way and feel happy and content, even when, or maybe especially when, it doesn’t go the way we want it to or the way we think it should.   

We do need to be careful, however, if we don’t include God in our planning and preparation, we can get out ahead of him and end up doing extra work or work that isn’t necessary. We can even end up doing that which is evil in God’s sight. 

1 Peter 2:16-17 reminds us, “For you are free, yet you are God’s slaves, so don’t use your freedom as an excuse to do evil. Respect everyone, and love the family of believers.”

We as believers must really focus on this concept, especially now. There is so much division and hatred in our world. It is hard to know what to believe. For me, it has been easier to simply stay clear of it all. I avoid the ugly conversations, I rarely watch the news, and I limit my time on social media.  I see too many of those who claim to love Christ spewing their perspective in hurtful ways.  

But I’ve been learning lately that I do need to speak out and share how we are called to respond. Yes, it is so sad to see all that is happening in the world. There are so many things that are not right. And people from many walks of life have the right to be angry about the injustice. 

But folks, even though we have the freedom to say what we believe and to share the truth, God never intended us to use that freedom to be hateful to another. Even if they are taking actions that are contrary to his Truth. We damage their image of God when we behave in anger and lash out with harsh words. Ultimately we lose the respect of the very people we are trying to protect as well as those we want to win over. 

Remember, in Matthew 5, verse 44, Jesus himself says to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. He challenges us to instead of demanding our rights, to give them up freely. That, my friend, is the curse of freedom in Christ. He laid down his life for us and he asks us to lay down our right to be right for him. He wants us to be more willing to give justice and mercy than receive it. 

Instead of demanding our rights, let’s focus our efforts on praying for the people who have hurt us. Instead of seeking revenge, let’s expend our energies on reminding people that we can all make a difference. That spending time in the word and being a positive influence in our circles, no matter how small, is necessary. 

In fact, I believe the only way we will truly have peace in this society is by getting to know our neighbors and extending a hand to help others. To show love to those who we know as well as to those we don’t. To treat everyone like they are the child of God that they are. To demonstrate to them that they are loved despite any bad choices they’ve made and welcome them into the fold. 

So this weekend, as you celebrate our country’s birthday, remember that, like those beautiful fireworks we all love to watch in the night sky, we too can shine brightly. The only way our dark and ugly world will change is if enough people reflect the love of Jesus into the darkness. 

I hope you’ll join me in praying for peace. For love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and especially these times, for self-control. Oh, and don’t forget, this is not something that you can get on your own. You must ask the Holy Spirit to fill your heart and guide you to these beautiful fruits that come from truly living in Christ. 

We are very blessed to live in a country where we have the freedom to say what we believe. To proclaim the Gospel as we are all called to do whether we do so with our words or with our actions. But truly, it is a double-edged sword, because that freedom can also be a curse if we do not choose our words and actions wisely and exhibit the love of Christ in the relationships he brings us to. Yep, even those people, whether they are leaders of our nation, people we encounter on social media, or people in our community, who don’t agree with us and aren’t following the same rules we are called to follow. 

And if you find you aren’t mature enough in your faith to do that, might I suggest that you don’t say anything at all. Truly, sometimes the best message you can bring to the conversation at times will be your silence if you aren’t able to speak with respect and kindness.  God can and will fill in the gaps.

Thank you for taking the time to read this today. I know your time is valuable and there are many things you could be doing right now.  The fact that you chose to spend this time with me means so much. If you know someone who needs this message, please share it with them.  If you would like additional resources to help you live a life of peace and fulfillment, I have a number of free resources on my website at I’d be honored if you would check them out.

Have a blessed independence day. Celebrate the freedoms that have been not given, but won by the sacrifice of so many. Go, be blessed, stay safe, and live your more!

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