The Art of Masterful Living
As I approach the milestone of turning 62, I reflect on the incredible journey that has brought me to this point. Along the way, I’ve learned valuable lessons that have transformed my perspective on life. Today, I want to share a profound realization: life is like a shuffleboard game. We must follow God’s calling, stretch ourselves, and push past our fears and doubts to live our best life, or as I prefer to say, Live Our MORE. And we must do so without going too far and giving up the rest God calls us to. In finding that delicate balance, we experience peace and fulfillment.
The Wisdom of Balance:
In his book, The Deeper Path, my publisher Kary Oberbrunner shared a quote by LP Jacks that resonates deeply with me: “A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.”These words encapsulate the essence of mastering the art of living. When we integrate faith into our work and play, our minds and bodies work harmoniously, and our education and recreation blend seamlessly–only then do we unlock a new level of fulfillment. By living out our faith in all aspects of life, we free ourselves from worry, self-doubt, and avoidance of difficult conversations and embrace our convictions with confidence and courage.
Challenging the Notion of Aging:
In my former career in the housing industry, I witnessed the prevailing belief that reaching 62 meant it was time to slow down and step back from life’s adventures. However, my journey has made me realize that age is no longer a barrier to living a vibrant and purposeful life. Instead, it is a time when we have accumulated wisdom and experience that can guide us toward mastering the art of living and helping others do so.We need not wait for some arbitrary moment to embrace a fulfilling existence. By aligning ourselves with God’s will and purpose, we can experience the richness of life right now. Each day becomes an opportunity to embark on a meaningful path and serve God and others through our careers and everyday encounters.
Embracing Meaning in Work:
To assist in this pursuit, I am thrilled to offer you “10 Ways to Serve God and Others Through Your Career: The Essential Guide to Find Meaning in Your Work.” This guide will empower you to infuse your professional life with purpose and positively impact the world. Whether you are just starting your career, in the midst of it, or living out the later chapters of life like myself, these insights will inspire you to unlock your potential and create a life of significance.Conclusion:
As I celebrate turning 62, I am grateful for the wisdom and insight the Holy Spirit has illuminated along my path. The art of masterful living lies in our ability to transcend conventional understanding and infuse our faith into all aspects of life, including our work, play, mind and body, and education and recreation. Age is not a limitation but an invitation to discover our true purpose and live it out each day.Let us not wait for retirement or some distant future to savor the joys of a life well-lived. Instead, let us seize the present moment and embark on the journey of mastering the art of living. By aligning ourselves with God’s will and following His vision of excellence, we can experience peace and fulfillment in every endeavor. It is much like placing the puck in the right spot at the end of the shuffleboard table, only easier because the Spirit will guide you.
I invite you to join me in this pursuit. Let us embrace the ageless mindset, unlock our potential, and make a lasting impact on the world. Together, we can shape a future where the distinction between work and play blurs, and pursuing God’s will becomes a way of life from beginning to end and in every breath we take.
Click here for a copy of the guide to finding meaning in your work.
I wish you all the best today and all days. Be blessed, and remember to Always Live Your More!