Why We Share Our Faith

Most Christians have been led to believe that it’s not their job to have conversations about faith and that they should leave it to the pros. But that isn’t true because most non-believers will never walk into a church and talk to a “pro.” I know a man, a true cowboy’s cowboy, who has been […]
BE the Calm in the Storm

It’s an unprecedented time with schools, conferences, governments, sporting events, and virtually any public gathering all being canceled across the globe. The COVID-19 is wreaking havoc in all aspects of our lives. We all know these precautionary measures aren’t life-threatening in and of themselves, but we’ve heard reports of how badly other countries have been […]
Dare to Hope

Have you ever been where you knew God wanted you to be, but still experienced great storms of life? That is what happened to the disciples in Matthew 14:22-33. Immediately after Jesus fed the 5,000, he MADE his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake while he sent the […]
Weathering the Storms of Life

We all weather storms in life, don’t we? I had a recent health scare that could have been considerably more stormy than it really was. But there was a time of uncertainty that was a bit unsettling. I feel blessed that I felt God’s presence during that time and was very much at peace with whatever came […]