166: Biblical Rest–What if it looks different than we thought?

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We know God rested on the seventh day after creation. But what if the word rest has a different meaning than we thought? What if Jesus offers something deeper than physical rest, inviting His followers to experience satisfaction and peace by understanding and following God’s will?  Guest Gregory Hall, the author of Rethinking Rest, explores the […]

Are You a Mary or a Martha?

If you google personality test, you will get 524 million responses in about a half a second.  That is more responses than I can even fathom.  Today, I want to talk about a different kind of personality test.  It won’t require you to log onto Facebook or search the web to get the results, you can get them […]

Fulfilling Your Purpose

Stop for just a moment and think about the big moments in your life.  The day you got married, your children were born, you received your diploma, or you reached a life-changing goal.  Some, like these, where mountain top experiences,   But for most of us, others fill us with shame to even remember, don’t they?  Think about how God […]