A Four Letter Word We Need To Use More Often

Bible Study

There are a lot of four-letter words that probably should be eliminated from our vocabulary.  As this is a Christian space, I’ll not be listing them here, but if you use an ounce of your imagination, you can guess at least a few, I’m sure. I’ve noticed lately that there is a trend in my […]

When No is Your Best Yes

If you’re like me, you find it hard to say no when someone asks for help.  So you bump that appointment with yourself to go for a long walk and answer the plea for help instead. Or you are so honored when someone asks you to join a service club or serve on a board that […]

The Cat’s in the Cradle

The first time I heard Cat’s in the Cradle after Harry Chapin released it back in 1974, I instantly fell in love with it. The words haunted me with a sadness I couldn’t shake. It reminds me of the relationships we don’t take the time to nurture in our lives and I don’t remember ever being able […]

Make Time for God’s Word

Bible Study

You know you should, but you don’t, do you?  I mean, who has the time?  We’ve got work, there’s that meeting, dinner to make, reports to write, kids to attend to, and heaven forbid we miss this week’s episode of This is Us! So there it lays.  How long has it been?  A few days, weeks, months? I […]

Dare to Hope

Have you ever been where you knew God wanted you to be, but still experienced great storms of life?  That is what happened to the disciples in Matthew 14:22-33.  Immediately after Jesus fed the 5,000, he MADE his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake while he sent the […]

When it Gets Hard to Fit the Pieces together

I have a two, almost three, year old grandson who loves solving puzzles.  A few weeks ago when he was visiting, I went in search of a puzzle we could do together.  The only one that looked even remotely likely was a small box with a picture of a cat on it.  Unfortunately a small […]