Why We Share Our Faith

Most Christians have been led to believe that it’s not their job to have conversations about faith and that they should leave it to the pros. But that isn’t true because most non-believers will never walk into a church and talk to a “pro.” I know a man, a true cowboy’s cowboy, who has been […]
The Art of Masterful Living

As I approach the milestone of turning 62, I reflect on the incredible journey that has brought me to this point. Along the way, I’ve learned valuable lessons that have transformed my perspective on life. Today, I want to share a profound realization: life is like a shuffleboard game. We must follow God’s calling, stretch […]
160: Equipped for More

Living our faith daily can be challenging at times. We know why we should, but sometimes knowing HOW to do it can seem daunting. In this SPECIAL EPISODE, we explore Vona’s new book, Equipped for More. Join author and coach Dana Lyons as she interviews Vona to give you an inside look at the book […]
155: Finding Beauty Along the Way

Life’s journey is full of ups and downs. In this episode, Vona shares parts of a longer conversation about the gift of finding beauty amid trials in life. Though this conversation is specifically about breast cancer in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it is an opportunity to discover beauty in every challenge we face. Listen […]
150: The Freedom in Surrender

Main Points From the Show We tend to put things in a box. We miss out on many possibilities when we look for things to be the same. We begin to doubt our abilities and get out of alignment with God’s will for us. When we do this, we search for scripture that agrees with […]
The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Whether it is a national election, results from a medical test, or any other of a million things we wait for in life, it is so hard to wait. We can think of nothing else. Particularly if it is news that will make a major impact on our life; good or bad. Today we wait […]
Are You Hiding Your Light?

No one lights a lamp and then hides it under a bed (or a basket!). We’ve all heard that verse many times, but have you thought about how it applies to our lives today? In Chapter 8, verse 16, Luke tells us we must place our light on a stand where it can be seen […]
Finding Peace in Relationship and Religion

Have you noticed the amazing things that people are doing for others these days? People working long hours, putting themselves and their families at risk to help others through these trying times. People are checking in on neighbors, delivering groceries, and doing really creative things to help brighten others’ lives. Of course, we aren’t surprised. […]
The Promise for Something More

Have you ever looked at something that you’ve seen dozens of times a day for years and suddenly see something you’ve never seen before? That happened to me this week. I love the lessons we get when we allow our minds to go where God leads us. I had been preparing for my women’s retreat […]
Embracing Obscurity

It’s an epidemic. Social media is everywhere and it seems everyone is connected and everyone is scrambling to get the most likes, comments, and exposure for our photos and messages these days. None of us are immune to it. We post on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter hoping to attract new followers whether it’s for […]