Permission to Pause

There are times in life when we need to let go of something we love to make room for something we love even more. I find myself at one of those times now. Ever since I was a young girl I’ve wanted to write. And I have. I’ve journaled. I’ve written poems. Even during the […]
Getting the Support You Need: Four Things to Consider Before You Hire a Coach

We all need support in life. Whether we admit it or not, we can not do this thing we call life on our own. The support we need comes from the people God brings into our lives at various times and in various ways. Sometimes we don’t even realize we’re getting it and other times we […]
Stop Living In Scarcity

I just sat there. Stunned. All I could think was, “you’ve got to be kidding me! They’re laying me off and giving my job back to the person I replaced?” As the HR person went on to explain whatever it is she had to say, my mind kept swirling with, “It isn’t fair! She’s the […]
Words of Wisdom from an Unlikely Source

Some will tell you that television is evil and should be avoided at all costs. They say that being idle is a bad thing. Personally, I think if you are selective in what you watch, you will actually see a lot of good happening on TV. I am not advocating that you quit your job […]