143: Is Your Church Leading You Astray?

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Title:  Is Your Church Leading You Astray? Main Points From the Show People want to feed their need for friendship and belonging. Sometimes it can be found in places that don’t align with God’s plan or his church.  Not all is as it seems.  If we are being told we can’t question something in the […]

The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth.

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When we take an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, we are declaring that we will tell the absolute truth about something without omission, embellishment, or alteration. We can be held in contempt of court if we bear a false witness when witnessing in court. Everyone gets this, […]

Why This Podcast, Why Now?

We all have it.  That little voice that calls us to be the best we can be.  The one that urges us to step up.  To jump in.  To go for it.  To give more.  To be more.  Some head the call, but some don’t.  They may be telling themselves, “It’s too hard.” Or, “It […]