148: Letting Go of Life’s Expectations

episode 148 banner expectations

Too often, our expectations in life turn into disappointments. What if, instead of setting ourselves up to be discouraged, we shifted our focus and lived in expectancy of seeing God everywhere? In this episode, our guest, speaker, author, and coach, Dana Lyons, shares her experiences as she learned to listen and look for God in […]

Celebrate Every Day Like It’s Easter!

I love Easter. I’ve loved it for as long as I can remember. Of course, initially, my love of the holiday had nothing to do with the real reason we celebrate, I just loved getting together with my cousins, the Easter egg hunts, the candy and, let’s face it, the promise of a gift from […]

A Walk in Hope

She was two, maybe three years old. And just as adorable as a little girl has the right to be.  She was my first niece and I loved playing with her whenever I had the chance.  I remember being enthralled with all the sweet clothes they had for little girls back then.  One day she had on a […]

Dare to Hope

Have you ever been where you knew God wanted you to be, but still experienced great storms of life?  That is what happened to the disciples in Matthew 14:22-33.  Immediately after Jesus fed the 5,000, he MADE his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake while he sent the […]

Better Than You Can Imagine

I’ve seen it four times and it still makes me cry every time.  The message of forgiveness, redemption, and hope is so powerful it draws me in and I learn new lessons each time I see it.  I’ve watched parts of other movies dozens of times over a period of years, but I’ve never sat down and […]