Longing For More

Longing for More at the beach

We are all created with a purpose in life. Most of us know someone who instinctively knew their purpose from a very early age and set out to fulfill it without wavering. They are healthy, happy, and fulfilled and are in want of nothing else. Others have a really good life, but always with a […]

Success Redefined

As we usher in the new year, it is important to take the time to reflect on the past year. If you are like me, you probably didn’t meet all of your goals and probably would have done some things differently. Even so, I am marking 2017 as one of my best years, not because […]

The revolution…

As I stood in the boarding area waiting for a seating assignment for my flight home early yesterday, I kept noticing this somewhat disheveled, casually dressed man. When our eyes would meet, I would look away quickly because, honestly, I was intrigued by him but didn’t want him to think I was staring. It was […]