The Art of Masterful Living

As I approach the milestone of turning 62, I reflect on the incredible journey that has brought me to this point. Along the way, I’ve learned valuable lessons that have transformed my perspective on life. Today, I want to share a profound realization: life is like a shuffleboard game. We must follow God’s calling, stretch […]
Now is the Time to Create A New Normal

As life begins to shift and we look to what our post COVID lives will look like, I challenge you to be intentional about what you let back into your routine. Instead of automatically returning to all the things you’ve always done, create a life of meaning and purpose. You may be surprised by how […]
Connecting with Your More

I have a quote on the home page of my website that says, “Your soul is longing to live out the calling God has placed on your heart. Reconnect with your dreams, those things you love, and…Live your More!” You see, I believe with all my heart that God places the desires we have on […]
Take Pleasure in Your Work

Sometimes we fall into the trap of believing that our day-to-day tasks are mundane. If we look at what others are doing we begin to believe that the things that we are doing for a living, the tasks we do for our loved ones, or even as service to others in our free time aren’t […]
Living a Life of Grace

Grace is everywhere and is so abundantly given to us. Why is it then that we are so reluctant to give it to ourselves and others? In this week’s podcast of Reviving Your Soul (Now Longing for More), I share that I’ve been drawn to touch on the topic for some time, but have […]