Your Life, Your Choice

I sat in the front row of the local Think, Drive – Stay Alive event listening to the speaker share his life’s story.  As he spoke, he was laying a trail of papers that snaked all around the stage representing the rap sheet of his convictions starting from when he was a teenager through well into his adult […]

Are You Happy?

Don’t you love it when a child says something so simple, but when you really think about it has a deep meaning and becomes a prevalent thought for days on end?  My three-year-old grandson has this thing he does.  Every once in a while he will stop whatever he’s doing and simply ask, “Are you […]

Dare to Hope

Have you ever been where you knew God wanted you to be, but still experienced great storms of life?  That is what happened to the disciples in Matthew 14:22-33.  Immediately after Jesus fed the 5,000, he MADE his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake while he sent the […]

Weathering the Storms of Life

We all weather storms in life, don’t we? I had a recent health scare that could have been considerably more stormy than it really was.   But there was a time of uncertainty that was a bit unsettling.  I feel blessed that I  felt God’s presence during that time and was very much at peace with whatever came […]

Ask and You Shall Receive

Did you know we don’t have to ask God for joy, happiness, fulfillment, or peace?  Instead, did you realize that they are all residual benefits of seeking God’s kingdom first?  I’ve prayed for peace and other fruits of the spirit for so long and, yes, I’ve certainly experienced the fruits of the spirit in my […]