173: Walking in Obedience in the Hard Seasons of Life

Main Points From the Show In this amazing episode of “Longing for More,” we visit with the wonderful Jodi Howe, host of the podcast Air That I Breath, speaker, worship leader, and new author. We talked about how in this time when Satan is actively impacting every area of life, it is even more important […]
167: Are You More Like Bold Peter or Doubting Thomas?

Main Points From the Show In this episode, we explore the age-old question of whether we are more like bold Peter or doubting Thomas. Through stories and reflections from the Bible, we examine the moments in our lives when we take risks, step out of our comfort zones, and demonstrate courage like Peter. At the […]
Are You More Like Bold Peter or Doubting Thomas?

The apostle Peter is known as the bold one. He walked on water, was the first apostle to race to the tomb when he learned Jesus wasn’t there, and became the foundation of the church we know today as Christianity. Though we admire his boldness, few of us feel awe can live up to such […]
A Time For Boldness

There are moments we will never forget where we were when we heard the news of significant events in our lifetime. I was at the office when the planes flew into the towers on 9/11. I was in a hotel room in Denver when South Dakota’s Governor’s plane flew into a silo, killing all on […]
147: A Time For Boldness

Emotions are high with the recent historic decision of the Supreme Court. Not only is the nation split on where they stand on the issue of abortion, but Christians are too. In this episode, we discuss the enormous opportunity Christians have to speak in love and support of those affected by past decisions and those […]
You are Blessed to be a Blessing

There is a saying that when we can’t hear God’s voice during the trials in our lives, we are to remember that the teacher is always quiet during the test. Many people are feeling that God is being especially quiet during these times of sickness, death, uncertainty, and now upheaval. If this is a test, […]
98: From Fear to Calm

It is important in times of uncertainty that we keep the right mental mindset and that we prepare for what could happen. Whether you are fearful of the Corona Virus pandemic, are struggling with impending disease diagnosis, or have a confirmed diagnosis, it important to have a plan. Your plan can help you deal with […]
A Time For Renewal

These are troubling times. The world is in upheaval. It’s a time of uncertainty and fear and just not knowing what’s next. It’s also a time to realize that as much as we like to think we are, we aren’t in control. God is. I believe that it’s a time where we can really plug […]
Facing Your Goliath

Have you ever imagined what it must have felt like to be David standing in front of Goliath armed with only a slingshot and a few stones? No armor. Not sword. Just a boy with enough courage and faith to stand up to the giant in front of him. Something no one else in the area […]
Are You Being Honest with Yourself?

Are you being honest with yourself? I mean truly honest and open about your life and the path you are on. Are you following up on the things you say you want to do and be or are you holding back? Possibly out of fear or self doubt? I realize now that despite the facade […]