148: Letting Go of Life’s Expectations

episode 148 banner expectations

Too often, our expectations in life turn into disappointments. What if, instead of setting ourselves up to be discouraged, we shifted our focus and lived in expectancy of seeing God everywhere? In this episode, our guest, speaker, author, and coach, Dana Lyons, shares her experiences as she learned to listen and look for God in […]

Finding Contentment

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We are all searching for that thing. The one that will finally make us happy.  We know if we could just get it, it would fill our hearts and souls with a sense of contentment and joy.   So often we think it is about our relationships, our work, or meeting our next achievement.    Being competitive […]

When No is Your Best Yes

If you’re like me, you find it hard to say no when someone asks for help.  So you bump that appointment with yourself to go for a long walk and answer the plea for help instead. Or you are so honored when someone asks you to join a service club or serve on a board that […]