137: The Comparison Game

Are you a comparaholic? Do you find it difficult to stop playing the comparison game? Whether you consider yourself competitive or not, you may be in the habit of checking to see how you measure up against others. You may be causing undue pressure by creating expectations of yourself and others that aren’t realistic. Today’s […]
Are You a Mary or a Martha?

If you google personality test, you will get 524 million responses in about a half a second. That is more responses than I can even fathom. Today, I want to talk about a different kind of personality test. It won’t require you to log onto Facebook or search the web to get the results, you can get them […]
Finding Contentment

We are all searching for that thing. The one that will finally make us happy. We know if we could just get it, it would fill our hearts and souls with a sense of contentment and joy. So often we think it is about our relationships, our work, or meeting our next achievement. Being competitive […]
A Note to my 17-year-old Self

I will be reuniting with my high school classmates soon and it’s hard to believe it’s been a little over 40 years since we spent our last time together as a group, finishing up classes, making plans, and celebrating the beginning of the rest of our lives. It’s incredible to think about how the years […]
The Real Game of Thrones Continues

I have a confession to make. I’m a Game of Thrones fan. I was a late bloomer and binge-watched the first five seasons in a couple of weeks so I would be ready for season six’s release. Please don’t quiz me on the finer details of the show, I’m sure I’d embarrass myself. But I found that once […]
Take Pleasure in Your Work

Sometimes we fall into the trap of believing that our day-to-day tasks are mundane. If we look at what others are doing we begin to believe that the things that we are doing for a living, the tasks we do for our loved ones, or even as service to others in our free time aren’t […]