Everything’s Different, Yet Nothing’s Changed

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Everything’s Different, Yet Nothing’s Changed: Reflecting on Three Moments in Time Introduction Change is a constant in our lives, but sometimes, it feels as though everything has shifted while somehow remaining the same. Life has a unique way of taking us on a journey through time, allowing us to forget some details that only come […]

The Twists and Turns of Life

It’s been an exciting couple of weeks. The journey I’m on took some twists and turns I hadn’t really expected. It started out when I received confirmation on a speaking engagement I’ve been really excited about, then I had a particularly awesome session with a coaching client, and lastly, I was appointed to the city […]

Just One Life…

The course I took to become a health coach, was a large investment, in both time and money.  I convinced myself that if I was able to watch every episode of Game of Thrones in a month while working full time, I could probably find time to do my lesson plans. I justified the cost […]