98: From Fear to Calm

It is important in times of uncertainty that we keep the right mental mindset and that we prepare for what could happen. Whether you are fearful of the Corona Virus pandemic, are struggling with impending disease diagnosis, or have a confirmed diagnosis, it important to have a plan. Your plan can help you deal with […]
BE the Calm in the Storm

It’s an unprecedented time with schools, conferences, governments, sporting events, and virtually any public gathering all being canceled across the globe. The COVID-19 is wreaking havoc in all aspects of our lives. We all know these precautionary measures aren’t life-threatening in and of themselves, but we’ve heard reports of how badly other countries have been […]
Are You a Peaceful Warrior?

We’ve been trained to avoid the tough conversations in life, haven’t we? It seems that it’s been getting worse for those of us who speak out about Christ. We are being ridiculed for our beliefs on a much larger scale than ever before. And in reality, we are more than relieved to step back and […]