For a Time Such as This

No matter how familiar or unfamiliar you are with the Bible, I’m betting you know at least a little bit about the story of Esther. The story is dramatic as any modern-day miniseries and is one of my favorites. I encourage you to go read it for yourself. Basically Esther is chosen to be […]
Take Pleasure in Your Work

Sometimes we fall into the trap of believing that our day-to-day tasks are mundane. If we look at what others are doing we begin to believe that the things that we are doing for a living, the tasks we do for our loved ones, or even as service to others in our free time aren’t […]
Remarkable Faith

I’m always in awe of the many talented people out there who are seemingly fearlessly stepping into their calling. Each person’s gifts are so different from everyone else’s and it really is beautiful when we take time to notice how everyone if they choose to, can use those gifts for good. When I refer to a calling, […]
Why This Podcast, Why Now?

We all have it. That little voice that calls us to be the best we can be. The one that urges us to step up. To jump in. To go for it. To give more. To be more. Some head the call, but some don’t. They may be telling themselves, “It’s too hard.” Or, “It […]