What is Truth?

Scripture...Jesus saith, I am the way, the truth, and the life..."

It is easy for us to sit back and judge those involved in condemning Jesus to death that dark day over 2,000 years ago. Judas, disappointed that his hopes for an earthy ruler had been dashed, led his friend to His killers. The Jewish leaders who had studied and memorized the Law didn’t recognize the […]

The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth.

Blog Banner for the Truth - .picture of hands holding the Bible

When we take an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, we are declaring that we will tell the absolute truth about something without omission, embellishment, or alteration. We can be held in contempt of court if we bear a false witness when witnessing in court. Everyone gets this, […]

That Dirty Old Book…

Scrolling through Facebook can be uncomfortable, especially if you find yourself in a thread that you know isn’t for you, but you can’t help but read it through anyway. I’m always amazed at how people use social media to air their grievances with their “friends” and the rest of the world. I generally try to […]