As we usher in the new year, it is important to take the time to reflect on the past year. If you are like me, you probably didn’t meet all of your goals and probably would have done some things differently. Even so, I am marking 2017 as one of my best years, not because I had resounding financial success, but because I had the ability to completely redefine what success means for me. As is often the case when creating a new lifestyle, I fell into old habits from time to time, but each time I “failed” I learned something about myself.

In 2017, I spent more time with loved ones and being introspective about what was really important to me. I traveled to some fun places, saw some old friends, and met some really incredible new friends. But mostly I spent a lot of time learning and growing and figuring out what exactly it is I want to do with my life and how I want to use the gifts God has given me. Although I set out to be a health coach when I retired in January, I realized that people want and need so much more than how to eat healthier and get the “perfect” body. The things we hold inside of us are so much bigger and are usually the real reason for our dissatisfaction with life.

Yes, it is important to get proper nourishment, and yes, it is important to feel great about ourselves, but we can do that without following strict rules and creating more boxes that restrict our ability to live freely.   Besides, my life experience is so much greater than what or how to eat and I want to use my years of professional experience to help people live a richer, more meaningful life and become healthier, happier, and more fulfilled in the process.

So many people I work with really want a more meaningful existence and I love being able to help them get that by guiding them through the process to find the path that is right for them so they can live out their values, not someone else’s. We all have a tendency to get caught up in the little things that mean nothing to us because we think it is expected and we don’t get to experience the joy of doing the things we really want to do.   I believe that if you have a dream of what you want to do or how your life should be, you are cheating yourself if you don’t make it happen.

Why not make 2018 the year you redefine success and go for the life God has laid on your heart? No matter what you would like to change or achieve this year, let’s visit so you can get crystal clear on what you want, where you are headed, and what you need to do to make it happen. During a FREE Discovery Call with me, you will find out what is holding you back from what you really want and will leave the session inspired and energized to finally achieve the changes you seek – once and for all. I promise it will be one of the most important conversations you will ever have.

Make your appointment here.

Are you ready to redefine what success looks like in your life?   If not now, when?

Have a blessed New Year!

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