The Live Your More Manifesto (Statement of Belief)
An Engager is a believer who longs for MORE. More Peace. More Fulfillment. More Meaning. They know they can’t reach those things alone and feel called to engage with the people in their lives and community, but most importantly, to actively engage with God so they can Live Their More.
The Engager has a different view of the world and TRUSTS GOD above all. In a world where wealth, recognition, and comfort promise to protect, provide, and prove our worth, engagers know better. They believe 100% in the infallible Word of God and do not subscribe to the many ways the world has twisted His Truth.
The Engager trusts Scripture and the Holy Spirit to guide them; they confidently engage in meaningful conversations and develop genuine relationships. They courageously talk about the things that challenge our beliefs and lovingly invite those who oppose what we believe to know Jesus when the opportunity presents itself. They actively ask God to show them where He can use them and do not avoid engaging with people, even when doing so feels uncomfortable.
The Engager is content with where God has placed them without being complacent or unwilling to change when called to do or say More.
Engagers apply their faith in their homes, workplaces, and communities and do not strive for recognition, fame, or wealth but rather to confidently do the work God calls them to, even when it doesn’t make sense.
Engagers live with integrity, standing up for God’s Truth rather than believing this world’s lies and creating boundaries against the evil around them. They love people without condoning or celebrating their sins.
Because this is not easy, Engagers seek accountability from one another so they can love their neighbors as themselves and remind one another of our call to be thankful in all things, seek God in all things, forgive ourselves and others as we are forgiven, and treat everyone, even non-believers, as a brother or sister in Christ.
Engagers respond to dissenters kindly and gently with courage, skill, and tact. They season their words with wisdom to engage others in love and truth, knowing it is about being present in the moment and reflecting God’s light without a preconceived idea of the outcome.
If your soul longs for more peace, fulfillment, and meaning, and you are ready to step out in faith to Live Your More, you are an Engager! Let’s visit about how you can connect with other Engagers.
© 2016 – 2025, Vona Johnson Coaching LLC, All rights reserved.