I love to travel, but after several days, I just want to be home.  I was having that feeling the other day.  I’d been on this amazing retreat with some really thoughtful, caring, and gifted women who are called to help others gain health and improve their lives.  But every stop on the trip home felt like the world is plotting against me from reaching my destination to get home “on time.”  

We were full of great ideas and sharing scenarios where we could all serve the world better when the driver of the van pulled over to the side of the road and stopped.  I was certain there must have been an accident or something worse, but couldn’t see what the issue was.  I was amused to find out that we had driven past a turtle crossing the road.  I then learned that her personal mission is to save turtles from the dangers of being on a highway whenever she can.  So we turned the van around, drove back to the spot where the turtle was crossing the road, and she carried the little traveler to safety.  Not minutes later there was another, even smaller, turtle on the road and he, too, was rescued.  

I have to admit that my initial thought was, “Really?  Am I the only one who wants to get home today?”  Somehow before we got headed in the right direction again we not only had driven several miles out of the way, we had ended up on a different highway that promised to take us some distance in the wrong direction.  By this point, I was downright frustrated.  I tried hard to keep it to myself and take some deep breaths to remind me to take it all in stride.  We laughed about our turtle rescue mission and had a great time discussing how our journeys are much like a turtle’s…we don’t always go as fast as we like, but with patience and endurance, like the turtle, we, too, will reach our goals.

It wasn’t until I laid in bed in the dark of that night that I realized that the scenario was very parallel to my life as an entrepreneur. I had started my supplement business, and later my coaching, with a goal in mind as to how much I would be making and when I would reach that goal.  I just hadn’t counted on all the smaller missions that would come my way on this journey.  I hadn’t factored in that there would be extra stops to nourish relationships, build complementary programs, and sometimes just to slow down and enjoy the beauty of the trip.

We only rescued two turtles on that trip home, but I realized that I’ve rescued far more than a few along my personal journey.  Thankfully, I was able to get out of my self set goal of getting home by a specified time and appreciate the opportunity to spend time with my new “turtle tribe.”  I learned to bask in the knowledge that the delays were just as much a part of the journey as the time speeding down the highway at 70 miles per hour.  Maybe more so.  

By the same token, the side trips, stops, and friendships I’ve made in my own life journey that don’t seem to fit my goals are always exactly what I need in that stretch of the road.  God’s view is always bigger than mine and his timing is always perfect.   There are dozens of times where had I not slowed down and made a connection that was seemingly random, I would have missed one of the most valuable relationships and lessons in life that God had planned for me.

Although I can’t be certain when my days will end, I believe my journey is far from over.  I am truly grateful that I was given the opportunity to learn this lesson in life and to make the friendships that I have along the way, including my new beloved “turtle tribe.”  I may not seem to be reaching the goals I had set for myself, but I am confident that I am on the right road, or will be again soon, and that I will reach my destination at exactly the right time.  In the meantime, I’m going to keep my eyes open for those turtles crossing the road, because when you think about it, they are often the best part of the journey. 

If you like this story, please listen to my podcast episode, Rescuing Turtles and Other Divine Interruptions by clicking the link above.

If you know someone who might enjoy this message please share this with them.  Thank you and have an amazing day!

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