We are all created with a purpose in life. Most of us know someone who instinctively knew their purpose from a very early age and set out to fulfill it without wavering. They are healthy, happy, and fulfilled and are in want of nothing else. Others have a really good life, but always with a sense there should be more. And still others seemed to have taken a wrong turn somewhere and feel lost all of their days. They know there should be more to life, but they haven’t a clue how to find it.  If either of those last two scenarios sounds familiar, please stay with me today as I want to address those of you who are haunted by the knowing they were created for more.

First I’m going to share with you how I discovered my “more,” and then I’ll share the three steps I believe are necessary for each of us to find what’s missing that keeps us from feeling fulfilled.  

You may be asking why is this important for you to know this.  I’ll tell you why, because you don’t know how much time you have left in your life!  It could be a few days or it could be many years. But the reality is, we are all called to use our talents for good and not to bury them in the ground.  As long as you still have breath in you, you still have time to make the change and to make a difference.  To finally find that thing that is missing in your life and live out your full potential. 

I remember it like it was yesterday. As I disconnected from my call, I was overcome with an emotion I could not explain. I crumpled to the floor wracked with tears. I then sat there for several minutes shaking.  What on earth had I agreed to do?  Who did I think I was to promise I’d do that?

Rewind the calendar almost exactly one year.  I was living a great life with a wonderful job, a beautiful family, and I felt like I was really making a difference in the world. I was halfway through a health coaching course I’d taken to help figure out the solutions to the various health challenges I’d been experiencing.  Most significantly, I had learned that my challenges were a result of the stress I’d been dealing with in different areas of my life. Mostly as a result of my need to have control over so many things.  

The coaching was having an incredible impact. And although I was feeling better, I started to get this overwhelming sense that there had to be more to life than what I was experiencing.  It was all I could think about. I was being haunted by the knowing that God wanted me to make a change. A really BIG change.  Despite all my doubts and fears about leaving the security of my really awesome job, I knew I could no longer deny the pull to my “something more.”

So I embarked on a journey to share the magic of regaining health by looking at life through a different lens.  One that allows you to follow simple guidelines and flexible approaches instead of hard and fast rules. One that helps you zero in on the important aspects of life and let go of the stress and overwhelm that comes from following all the rules and doing it “their” way.  

Things were going pretty well.  I had a few clients and was learning to do the marketing side of the business.  Strangely, I kept getting invitations to talk about general life and business-related topics most of which revolved around making good choices. Even more strange was I kept getting drawn into situations where I ended up talking about my faith. Radom people shared with me that my speeches always came to life when I shared my personal story and, more importantly, when I talked about my faith. 

And then, out of nowhere, this other thing came up. The way it came about was a little bizarre, but the next thing I knew, I was in line to be the backup for the speaker for a church service to be a part of the local heritage festival being held that fall. The day I ended up on the floor in tears was the day that I found out I was no longer the backup speaker…I was the speaker.  

I still didn’t know what the tears were about.  It wasn’t the prospect of being on stage; I’d done that many times before.  Yeah, I was nervous, but I’d been nervous about speaking dozens of times and had never cried about it.  

The real reason behind the tears did not become apparent until several months later. By then I’d taken a training on how to create a podcast. (Where that came from, God only knows.) I’d just released my podcast, Reviving Your Soul. I guess I was getting used to the idea of talking about my faith because it was to be a faith-based show.  Really! It’s clear that all of this is bigger than me.

The week the podcast was released, I received a text message from a friend. It said, “I loved what I heard!! It was so good! God is using you, sister, in an incredible way!” There it was again! Those tears. That emotion from the core of my being that I could not explain.

Only by then a common thread was beginning to emerge. It happened when I was being drawn to share my faith in a very public manner. I now know that I was creating a foundation for what is the basis for my coaching career.  No, my whole reason for being. 

Today I am going to share with you what I believe is the reason I was created.  It is the culmination of everything I’d experienced to this point all coming together to help others find their purpose and live the life their soul is longing for. Any of you who have followed my journey since I’ve started this season of life knows its been more of a quest than a journey, with twists and turns, starts and stops.  Truly, a whole string of random programs that seemingly had no connection.  Until now.  

For the most part we understand that it is vitally important that we care for the whole person, our mind, our body, our heart, and our spirit.  If we fail to nurture any aspect, we eventually will lose something of value to us. Until now, I’d been trying to focus on one area in my coaching at a time and it simply wasn’t working. Even though each and every one of us has an area that we are neglecting at any given time, we need to look at the whole person and not let that neglect go on for very long.  My goal is to help the people I work with to discover the area that needs nurturing so they live the life their soul is longing for without giving up something important.   

And now that I get to do this work, it is even more gratifying than I thought. It’s amazing to be working with people all over the world and help them find the missing piece in their life. For example, I recently worked with a client who came to me stressed out, anxious, and struggling with relationships with her family.  Our work together helped her forgive her past so she could believe in herself, begin to physically heal and to create the life she’d always dreamed of. Now she’s calmer, more connected to God, and is finishing her first book!

I know some of you are thinking, I’ve got a good life, it isn’t reasonable for me to expect that it could be any better. 

But how many of you are actually living the life you dreamed about when you were a kid or young adult? How many of you can say there isn’t something you could improve in your life whether it be a relationship, your satisfaction in your work, your connection with God, or a healthier lifestyle? 

When I talk to my clients, you know what the biggest reason why they think they can’t have a better life is? Because they think it is too hard!  They think they have to make a drastic change in their life to be happier.   

The reality is, it’s not that hard at all.  People think they will have to take a different job or move to a different part of the country.  But they are looking at it all wrong.  

So here is the secret: if you want to have a better life, you have to change the way you look at life and the relationships in your life.  

There are three main points to consider when you are ready to step into the life you were created for.  They are:

One – You need to really get grounded in who you are, what you believe in, and what you value;

Two – You must let go of the lies you’ve been told about yourself and have embraced as truth so you can believe that you truly are worthy of a really great life; and 

Three – You have to find out what really inspires you and then believe that to have the life you really want, you simply have to make the choices to make it happen.  

An example is a client I had a while back who owned her own business.  She seemed to have it all. But after a few short months of working together, she was calmer.  She was more focused. And she suddenly realized that the things she had always thought were important weren’t.  And all the things she thought weren’t important were.  She started consciously being present for her family, taking time off to enjoy them when they were together. Taking long lunches and sharing experiences with the people she loves instead of rushing off to the next appointment.  She even took several days off to help a client in need, something she would have never given herself permission to do before our work together.  

So how does it work?  It’s easy, we can have one quick conversation to see what your “more” looks like and if I might be the person to help you find the path that is within your heart already.  If it feels right, we have a conversation about what it could look like to move forward.  If it doesn’t feel good to either one of us, we’ve both had an enlightening conversation and a fun time together and we go our separate ways.

If we work together, you will begin a journey that will change your whole outlook on yourself and the world around you. You truly can love your life; all aspects of it. 

Are you ready to find your MORE?  Let’s have that conversation and see what’s inside of you that haunts your thoughts. God has a plan. I encourage you to trust him enough to take the first step to see what it is. I know it can be scary, but are you going to let fear keep you from your “So Much More?”

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this today. If this struck a chord with you, please give yourself permission to take action right now. Don’t let the calling on your heart linger another day. You really don’t know how much time you have. Making the decision to take action could change your life, but more importantly, this investment of one hour could change the lives of the people around you. 

To learn more about me, hop over to my website at vonajohnson.com.

It’s your time to discover the life your soul is longing for. 

Have an amazing day!

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