When is enough, enough?  We all have a tendency to get caught up in wanting more and more of something in our lives.   The way we crave that thing becomes a vicious cycle and soon its almost impossible to have enough; we’ve become addicted.  In last week’s blog and Reviving Your Soul (Now Longing for More) show, we talked about the addiction of drugs and alcohol, but it doesn’t have to be either of those.  It can be anything in our lives: money, power, recognition, prestige, toys, nice cars, fancy clothes, literally anything can become an addiction.  Even though we, as Christians, know that we can’t take all that with us, once we start on the path to accumulating, we rarely can stop on our own.   

So what if, just for a minute, we allowed ourselves the freedom to take our focus off all that stuff and instead focused on Jesus?  What if instead of focusing on winning, we realized we’ve already won?  What if, instead of trying to find the perfect house, car, or career, we realized that we are exactly where we need to be at this moment and trust the Holy Spirit to show us what to do next?  I’m talking about stopping long enough to hear the whisper in our ear for more.  More love, more joy, more peace, more patience, more kindness, more goodness, more faithfulness, more gentleness, and more self-control.  I’m talking about courageously trusting and having faith in our Creator to give us exactly what we need. About the art of surrendering to God.  

Imagine yourself standing at a sandy shore of the ocean.  There is a huge wave coming your way.  As it speeds toward you, you have two choices.  You can either stand your ground, face the wave, and let it crash into you, tossing you to and fro and ultimately dumping you into the sand, scraping your knees and bruising your body.  Or you can trust the water and let it carry you where it will without resistance.  You just flow where it takes you and it gives you a beautiful ride you could never create on your own accord.  The first option leaves you feeling battered, the second brings peace and calm into your life.  That’s the way it is in life.  We can choose to resist or fight the path, or we can live in God’s will and have peace and tranquility in the surrender.  

In this week’s episode of Reviving Your Soul (Now Longing for More)I discuss the balance between surrendering to God and taking charge of our lives.  We can’t just wait for life to happen to us, but rather are encouraged to pray and ask for what is next for us and then take courageous action. I’m talking about listening to the voice of God whispering in your ear. Then having the courage to step up and do what he is calling you to do.  And then trust that it will all work out.  

Yes, it’s hard at first to let go of the control.  We are wired to want to know the whole plan before we take the next step.  But if we step out in faith, courageous faith, life can be oh, so sweet.  Not always easy, but so much more meaningful. 

So what is your addiction?  What do you tell yourself you need to stop doing, but never do?  What habit enslaves you so much that it scares you to death to let go of it, even for a week or two?  What benefits can you see in your life if you really were able to let it go?  Is it time to make the change?  Are you ready to live in courageous faith and live the life you were created for?  Are you ready to surrender to Christ instead of the things of this world that are holding you back from being your best self?  I would love to have a conversation with you about what that could look like.  

To hear more, listen to this week’s episode, Letting Go of Control, the Art of Surrender, click HERE.  If you know a friend that you think could benefit from hearing this message, please share this with them.  

Thank you for reading this blog and for listening to my podcasts.  I hope you have an amazing week. 

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