I recently posted the following message that I got from a friend on Facebook. I don’t know who wrote it, but I thought it was right on target and worth repeating here. I’ll be honest, I try to consistently live up to these standards, but some days I do better than others.

While the world figures this all out, I’m going to continue holding doors for strangers, letting people cut in front of me in traffic, saying please and thank you, saying good morning, being patient with a waiter, being kind to others, helping those in need, and smiling at strangers, as often as I am provided the opportunity. Because I will not stand by and let children live in a world where unconditional love is invisible.

Be a true and genuine example of love. Join me in showing love and respect to someone who may not necessarily deserve it. Let’s aim to not JUDGE and no matter what another believes or stands for, let’s always give the benefit of the doubt! Let us all be more understanding and not pretend to be better than anyone else. We all have our own issues or vices. Let’s find our own way to swing the pendulum in the direction of love. 

Because today, sadly; hate is winning. Passing judgment when we are no better than the next person is winning. Being a genuine and understanding person is fading and it’s so very sad. Positivity has to start somewhere and love overpowers hate. If you agree, please copy and paste to your Facebook page this message from a friend who got it from another friend. Love prevails!

Can you imagine how much more pleasant our world would be if we could go back to the days when we were taught, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”? If we disagreed with someone we could have a conversation about the differences in our perspectives and learn something from one another instead of calling each other names or using hateful words? Really, sometimes it is as simple as smiling and walking away, or maybe stepping out of our world view and trying to see the situation from the other’s perspective.

I am excited to be taking a new direction on my coaching practice very soon, and this concept is one of the big items I want to tackle with my clients. How to better interact with others and improve relationships. It’s easier (but not always easy) to do that with people we love, but sometimes it is harder to do with people we work with or people we encounter in public or on Social Media.

If you would, please do me a favor. Go back and read the information detailed in my “post” above and pick one thing you know you struggle with and commit to working on being better on that one thing this week. Every day this week. At the end of the week, come back and pick a second and so forth. Then I ask that you let me know how it impacts your mood and that of the people around you.

Me? I’m going to start with letting people cut in front of me in traffic. How about you?

Have an awesome week!

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