Years ago while visiting family in Arkansas, I got the opportunity to go explore a cave. Not the kind you pay to get a tour of, but a cave that was hidden on the property they lived on. I remember walking in and being in total awe of everything around me. You had to watch your step and keep track of the people you were with or you could get lost in the darkness.

We went deeper and deeper into the earth and eventually walked into the large open space. Then it occurred to me that it all appeared the same no matter which way I looked. Which direction did I come from, and more importantly, what is the direction out? It was exciting and a bit scary at the same time.

Lately, as I’ve continued on my journey as a health coach and an entrepreneur, I’ve explored different paths and have found it to be so exciting! There is so much to learn and so many paths one can take that it is hard to know which is the right path. I’ve tested a few and then turned around and explored another. I’ve been unsure if I should go left or right and agonized over whether I’ve chosen the right path or not.

Did I dare “cheapen” my health coaching experience by also providing supplements as one of my fellow coaches implied? What if I chose to coach and missed a once in a lifetime opportunity to launch what may really be the best direct marking company to hit the market? My mind was swirling and there was nowhere to go but to God to find the answers, and honestly, He wasn’t in any hurry to reply.

In the last two weeks, I’ve been really grateful to have the opportunity to attend both my Health Coach Institute Conference and the grand opening for Vasayo, the brand new nutritional company I joined last November. Both experiences are too big to describe in this blog post, but believe me when I say I cannot imagine missing out on either event. They each in their own way provided the clarity and the encouragement I needed at this point in my journey. This is what I learned….

  1. I am exactly where God wants me to be with BOTH endeavors;
  2. I left a career I loved so that I could be more effective in helping others find the life they deserve whether it be regaining their health, being brave enough to make changes that will allow them to be happier or both, and I needed to carry out that plan;
  3. I have seen the ravages that stress causes on our bodies and I want to educate people on how to take care of themselves to prevent or reverse the ailments or pain they are experiencing and help them regain the mental clarity to make good choices in their lives. I can do that through coaching OR nutritional supplements, whichever the individual prefers; and lastly
  4. Now is the time. Too many people I care about are either dying, have serious diseases, or are missing out on life because they are at home sick on a regular basis and I want them to at least have the opportunity to know there are options for a better life.

There can be many causes for the stress and inflammation people experience, but the solutions are all very much the same. They are simple, but not always easy because our mind is constantly trying to convince us not to change.

I am truly honored when people trust me enough to share what I know to help them find their path and make the necessary changes. I am grateful that God answered those prayers for clarity for me and I know I am on the right path with the tools He has provided to me. It’s every bit as exhilarating as it was when I walked out of that dark, dreary cave all those years ago and felt the sunshine on my face again.

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