“He is Risen Indeed!” “Alleluia!” I have to admit the first several times I participated in this exchange in my then-new church, I was a little uncomfortable. I was in my early twenties and we had never shared such an exchange in the church I grew up in. Now, thirty years later, the exchange brings tears to my eyes because it is yet another thing to remind me that Jesus died and rose for me. Well, not just for me, for each and every one of us throughout the whole world.

Pastor did a great job of reminding us last week that that act of salvation was for every single person; even my enemies. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to think about having enemies. I sincerely try to get along with everyone. But I have to admit there are some people who I struggle to love. You know, those who mock and persecute others because they believe something different than they do. How about the disheveled homeless guy who hasn’t been sober for days, weeks, or even years? We are even called to love the people who are responsible for murdering innocent children. Jesus loves them every bit as much as he loves you and me and we are called to love them, too. It can be hard to do, can’t it?

But, we must if we are going to fully live in God’s Grace. You see, it is only when we fully love others and ourselves that we are living the life God intended for us. He died for our sins, but not so that we can live in misery, or worse yet, in apathy. No, He died for us so we could live a life full of joy, full of happiness, and full of gratitude.

If we just plod through each day never noticing the beauty that surrounds us, never sharing our joys and sorrows with those we love, never feeling passionate or excited about anything, then we have missed the mark. He wants us to embrace this wonderful gift of life that He gave us and truly live, and just as important, He wants us to share that gift with those we know who may not know the story of salvation. Is there someone in your life that needs to hear about it? Share with them. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just heartfelt. It can be a little uncomfortable, but you can do it and you will be glad you did.

He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!

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