Do you ever take the time to just watch the clouds float by?  As a kid, I used to love to imagine God and the angels just above our line of vision and wonder what it would be like to be there with them.  Unfortunately, I haven’t taken the time to do that for years; in fact, I haven’t even thought about it until just recently.

How about you?  Have you allowed yourself to daydream lately?  I hope the answer is yes.  If not, why haven’t you?  Are you too busy?  Is it possible your day just doesn’t allow you the time to take in those “meaningless” activities?  I get it. I have days like that too. I was fortunate back when I was still driving to work every day as I got to see the clouds every morning on my way to work, so I was able to get some pretty awesome cloud formations.  In fact, I think watching them to some degree helped me to start daydreaming again.  It was those daydreams that, at least in part, helped me to decide it was time to follow my dreams and begin my new life as a coach. 

As I’ve mentioned before, this new season of my life has been a journey.  I’m not fully there yet, but the journey I am on is one that is so much more peaceful and authentic to me than anything I’ve done before.  There is something really special about giving yourself permission to fully live in the moment and do what your heart desires.  It’s not about quitting your job and becoming your own boss.  Not at all.  It truly is all about giving yourself permission to do the things that really matter to you instead of putting those things in a cubbyhole and wishing they could come true someday.  It’s about reprioritizing your day to include the things you love instead of going through the motion of all the business that life throws at you.  

It wasn’t always that way to be sure.  It wasn’t that I wasn’t doing what I wanted to be doing.  It was that I wasn’t being who I wanted to be.  I was stressed.  And crabby. Not always, but more than I wanted to be.  I shudder to think of the harsh words that escaped these lips in frustration and anger when I was trying to be everything to everyone and do everything for everyone.  I’ve always said I would never want to go back and live any part of my life over again because each day is an accumulation of who I am today.  But I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that there were words spoken or actions taken that I would take back in a heartbeat.  

Recently I read a devotional that talked about clouds and the promise of how Jesus is going to return on the clouds of heaven.  In Revelation, it says that He will be coming with the clouds and every eye will see Him.  I go into detail in this week’s episode of Reviving Your Soul (Now Longing for More) about how fixing our thoughts on God, can help us to know perfect peace in the midst of the turmoils in life. 

So when was the last time you allowed yourself time to gaze at the clouds and dream about life?  Do you worry and fret about things that are beyond your control?  What if the next time things just seem too big to handle, you simply gazed into the clouds and asked God to take this one on for you?  What if you allowed yourself to instead of dreaming about what life could be like, you said yes to God and started living those dreams?

God really would like nothing more than to help you with whatever is is you are stressing out about if you’d just focus on him instead.  If you aren’t really sure about who he is, I would love to introduce you to my savior.  My protector.  My friend.  

Have an amazing week and don’t forget to take some time to focus on the clouds and the promises they remind us of. you haven’t already, listen to Focusing on the Clouds Podcast.  You can find it here.

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