When The Voice of Doubt Takes Over

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Every once in a while, the voice of doubt overtakes me. Does that ever happen to you?

For me, it reared its ugly head when it was time to publicize the episode of Longing for More I posted recently.


It didn’t show up until after I recorded and released the episode on all the various platforms. Once it was out there, that voice started asking me, “Why on earth do you think anyone would want to listen to an episode about you? Who could possibly care about what you have to say?”


In fact, it got to me to the point that I’ve delayed sending the link to you a whole week. I was busy over the weekend, but I honestly put it off until now. That voice of doubt can be sneaky, can’t it?


Doubt shows up in many ways


It can show up as resistance, fear, distracted scrolling through social distancing, binge-watching when you know you have something to do, and my all-time favorite, shopping. 


Be sure to ask this question


But my prayer mastermind group asked me an important question. “Do you think it is the voice of God telling you not to share the show?”


I knew the answer before they finished asking. “Of course not!’ 


He had inspired me to invite the incredible guest host, Kim Avery, to interview me. And she did so happily. We had a fun and inspired conversation about many things. There is no way God wants that show hidden and never to be heard. But Satan wants nothing more than just that.


Breaking old habits


You see, I was going back to an old habit of hiding my faith and, indeed, myself by allowing the voice of doubt room to grow in my mind. 


Do you ever do that? Do you ever hold back on something you know God has asked you to do for him?


If so, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, learn to recognize when that is happening to you and then do that thing you resist despite your (insert your reason for not wanting to take action). You’ll be glad you did. I promise. 


Celebrate life every chance you get!


Too many people shy away from celebrating their birthday and fear sharing their age. I was allowing that to make me think I should too. Like Kim and I discuss briefly in the podcast interview, God gives us life. We should celebrate it any time we can. And a birthday is the perfect time to do so. 


Years ago, I started a personal tradition of celebrating a whole month if a birthday ends in zero, a week if it ends in five, and just a day (or sometimes two!) if it is a regular birthday.


This year, since I turned 60, I get to get to celebrate all month! And I’m not going to let doubt take another day away from the festivities. 


I hope you will help me celebrate by listening to episode 128: Life Just Keeps Getting Better. I’d be grateful if you would share it with a friend or leave a review. And don’t let that voice of doubt get in your way!





One Response

  1. Thanks Vona. That voice of doubt sure does sound loud sometimes. But asking myself if those words are from God tells me not to listen to them. God is not in those words of doubt. Thank you for the words of encouragement both in your blog and in our meeting today. I know your words are the encouragement God knew I needed today.

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