Several months ago while in a health coaching session with my daughter, Erica, we were reviewing the goals she had reached and were discussing what else she wanted to accomplish. She mentioned that she wanted to do a 5K Run this year. Somewhere in that conversation, I remember hearing myself say that I would do it with her. I also remember saying to myself, “Did I just say that out loud?”

I did. Now, to some people running a 5K may not be a big deal, but for Erica and me, it is huge. Neither of us are runners. She may have been back in the day, but it has been a very long time since I have run further than across the street to avoid getting run over. Unless you count that one day back in Jr. High when my best friend and I thought we should join all the cool kids and do track. I still remember being certain that I was going to die after about half an hour. To avoid that outcome, we quit. After one day…it wasn’t one of my proudest moments.

So 40 years later I tried again and guess what? I didn’t die! I downloaded my C25K app, laced up my running shoes, and went for it. Twice already! And it feels great! I am so glad that I began this journey of finding the best version of myself and I encourage you to do the same. It isn’t about retirement or running a 5K or starting a blog.

It is about discovering what dreams you are keeping hidden deep inside of you and having the courage and the commitment to go after them. Even if it’s scary and even if it might be embarrassing or you might fail. What if you don’t fail? What if that dream really can come true? God planted those dreams in our hearts, not so that we can feel sorry or be upset with ourselves when we remember that we never went after them, but so that we can live the life He intended for us. So we can Truly Live! Sounds pretty awesome, doesn’t it? It is. Won’t you join me?

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