I’d sung along to these words hundreds of times, “He was born in the summer of his 27 year, coming home to a place he’d never been before…” but for some reason this time riding across the wide-open prairie and reflecting on my life, it was different.  Finding a place that feels like home, even when you’ve never been there before describes exactly how I’ve been feeling lately. I just hadn’t realized it until I heard those words on the radio.

As God’s children, we know that this is not our permanent home, that this is a stopping place until we get to heaven.  In this week’s episode of Reviving Your Soul (Now Longing for More), I share a story that Beth Moore tells about that. I share how hard it is to live in a foreign land and how hard it is to trust God with the finer details of our lives.  There is so much going on behind the scenes and we just need to trust God, something that doesn’t come easy to those of us who were raised to be independent.  

I don’t know about you, but it’s been a hard lesson for me to learn.  I keep wanting to take over and do things my way, or the way that person over there does it, or the way that I’ve done it before.  But it hasn’t been working.  In Romans 5: 3-4, Paul tells us that we should rejoice when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us – they help us to endure.  Basically, the problems we run into will develop our perseverance which in turn will strengthen our character, deepen our trust in God, and give us greater confidence in the future.  I know, it doesn’t make sense until, one day, it does.  

Making changes in our lives is scary, but I can honestly say the rewards of taking action on the things that were calling to me has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done despite the uncertainty.  In this week’s show, I talk about what I am experiencing and what a gift the journey has been.   A recent coaching client said it best a while back. She was describing her experience with my 90-day coaching program and she said, “it helped me realize the things I thought were important weren’t, and the things I thought weren’t important are.”  I couldn’t agree more.  

I turned 57 around the time the podcast on this topic was released.  I cringe when I hear others my age claim to be old, as I truly feel like I am just beginning my life.  The prospects are so amazing, I’ve never felt better, and honestly, despite being “retired” I’ve never felt more energized to do the work that is before me.  I can barely wait to see what is in store for me this year.  I feel like with a few tweaks, John Denver’s song could have been written just for me at this point in my life, “She was born in the summer of her 57th year, coming home to a place she’d never been before…”

Do you feel like you are at home in your life?  Do you struggle because things don’t seem to be working out the way you thought they would?  Check out this week’s episode of the podcast.  I think it will inspire you to find that better version of you, the one that lives in the peace you were created for.  

 Thanks for stopping by and have an amazing day!

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