It’s a Choice

If you have been following my journey, you know that I have stepped out of my comfort zone several times in the last few months. I made the decision to follow where God leads me, taking it one day at a time, and not worry where things end up. Well, not much anyway. When I […]
Girls on the Run…

This week I started another new adventure. I joined several other volunteers in a 10-week program coaching 8 to 13-year-old girls with the goal of “creating cultural transformation where all girls recognize their individual power and are able to reach their highest potential.” Although on the surface the purpose is for the girls to run a […]
Turn off the Autopilot…

Do you ever find it interesting how you can get through the day and not even remember what you did that day? I certainly do. There are things that are a part of our daily routine that we can do mindlessly. We do them out of habit and can run for hours or even days […]
Clear the Clutter

A few days ago there was a FaceBook post going around about a 40 Day Challenge to declutter during the 40 Days of Lent instead of giving up chocolate or whatever else you might be inclined to give up. The idea rings true to me because I really need to take care of some areas […]
Couch to 5K

Several months ago while in a health coaching session with my daughter, Erica, we were reviewing the goals she had reached and were discussing what else she wanted to accomplish. She mentioned that she wanted to do a 5K Run this year. Somewhere in that conversation, I remember hearing myself say that I would do […]