The Search for Enough

We are all created for a purpose. Some of us spend our whole lives looking for that purpose. We have this longing inside of us that keeps drawing us closer and closer to it. We strive to find it and we take one major step or reach a life goal and it feels good. But […]
Coming Home to a Place I’d Never Been Before

I’d sung along to these words hundreds of times, “He was born in the summer of his 27 year, coming home to a place he’d never been before…” but for some reason this time riding across the wide-open prairie and reflecting on my life, it was different. Finding a place that feels like home, even […]
Embrace Your Beauty

Recognizing our own beauty is one of the hardest things we do. We were raised to know that as God’s children, he loves us and thinks we are beautiful. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, we lose that knowledge and start to believe the lie that we aren’t pretty enough, slim enough or “presentable” for the […]
Why This Podcast, Why Now?

We all have it. That little voice that calls us to be the best we can be. The one that urges us to step up. To jump in. To go for it. To give more. To be more. Some head the call, but some don’t. They may be telling themselves, “It’s too hard.” Or, “It […]
Answering God’s Call

We are all created with a purpose. God had a plan for each one of our lives before we were born. We get to chose our career, our spouse, and what we do with our days, but he gets to chose why we are here. To discover what that purpose is, we need to seek […]
Oh Christmas Tree

Its almost Christmas and there are signs of it all around. One of the most notable is the Christmas tree. It seems they are literally everyone. If you live in South Dakota, we are especially blessed to have our state capitol filled with beautifully decorated trees. It is really something that is hard to explain […]