A Time For Renewal

These are troubling times. The world is in upheaval. It’s a time of uncertainty and fear and just not knowing what’s next. It’s also a time to realize that as much as we like to think we are, we aren’t in control. God is. I believe that it’s a time where we can really plug […]
A Time for Change

A little over a year ago I was learning how to create a podcast and I was deep in the process of finding the perfect name to describe what my show would be about. I knew I wanted it to be about pointing my listeners back to the Word to find answers and not relying on […]
Celebrate Every Day Like It’s Easter!

I love Easter. I’ve loved it for as long as I can remember. Of course, initially, my love of the holiday had nothing to do with the real reason we celebrate, I just loved getting together with my cousins, the Easter egg hunts, the candy and, let’s face it, the promise of a gift from […]
A Walk in Hope

She was two, maybe three years old. And just as adorable as a little girl has the right to be. She was my first niece and I loved playing with her whenever I had the chance. I remember being enthralled with all the sweet clothes they had for little girls back then. One day she had on a […]
Longing For More

We are all created with a purpose in life. Most of us know someone who instinctively knew their purpose from a very early age and set out to fulfill it without wavering. They are healthy, happy, and fulfilled and are in want of nothing else. Others have a really good life, but always with a […]
Use Words of Encouragement

Haters are gonna hate. I don’t know who coined that phrase, but it’s a good summary of Proverbs 9:8 which says, “Don’t bother rebuking mockers; they will only hate you.” As always, it is best to read a verse with the verses around it to get the full context. Let’s check it out starting with verse 7, “Anyone who […]
Make Time for God’s Word

You know you should, but you don’t, do you? I mean, who has the time? We’ve got work, there’s that meeting, dinner to make, reports to write, kids to attend to, and heaven forbid we miss this week’s episode of This is Us! So there it lays. How long has it been? A few days, weeks, months? I […]
Stop Living In Scarcity

I just sat there. Stunned. All I could think was, “you’ve got to be kidding me! They’re laying me off and giving my job back to the person I replaced?” As the HR person went on to explain whatever it is she had to say, my mind kept swirling with, “It isn’t fair! She’s the […]
Are You a Peaceful Warrior?

We’ve been trained to avoid the tough conversations in life, haven’t we? It seems that it’s been getting worse for those of us who speak out about Christ. We are being ridiculed for our beliefs on a much larger scale than ever before. And in reality, we are more than relieved to step back and […]
Showing Your Faith At Work

There are all kinds of politics and dynamics to be aware of in the workplace. It can be challenging to maneuver it all. Especially in this environment of political correctness. To compensate, Christians typically err in one of three ways. We either bury our faith to all but our closest friends so that we can […]