Each week on Longing for More you will hear how you can live the life your soul is longing for! I'm glad you are here and excited to share both the current episode as well as previous episodes for you right here. If you enjoy the show, please subscribe, leave a comment, and share it with your friends. Thank you for stopping by!
Interview with Martha Bass, Life Coach and Author of Love Heals
Interview with Gina Marie Cassano, Transformation Coach and Relationship Strategist
Living in integrity with our values is a key factor in living our purpose in life. God gives us the desires of our hearts to help us to live out the purpose for which he has created us. Some, like the individuals in my examples today, courageously…
So many of us wander through life feeling empty and unfulfilled. We hide the truth so we can protect ourselves from all the things that could go wrong, but doing so also shields us from all the things that could go right! In this week’s episode of…
In a world where we are constantly seeking the attention of others, the idea of embracing obscurity seems counterintuitive. But what if we set side our need for the approval of others? What if we simply did what we are called to do and let God take…
In this crazy busy world of ours, it is hard to find time to sit quietly. Especially for those who make time to serve others in addition to their normal routine. The Bible tells the account of sisters, Mary and Martha, and how they each served Jesus…
The search for contentment is ongoing, It seems that no matter how much we get of the things we want, it never seems to be enough. What if you could find the secret to living in contentment and give up this ongoing search? In today’s episode of…
What if, in a world where everyone seems to focus on our differences, we began to seek the common bond with those we meet? Imagine what the world could be like if we treated everyone with respect and dignity. Our nation’s history is full of times when…
Four letter words get a bad rap. Sure, some of them deserve it, but others bring joy into our lives. One, however, seldom gets used anymore. In this episode of Longing for More, I expound on why this word should become a common household word. Listen…
I help Christians apply their faith to their everyday life so they can transition from longing for more peace and fulfillment to living it through a unique faith-based mastermind community and through one-on-one coaching and mentoring.
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