Letting Go of Perfection
It was such a disappointment. I’d recently returned home from Boston, a city that I’d fallen in love with and where my husband and I had spent part of our honeymoon. I…
It was such a disappointment. I’d recently returned home from Boston, a city that I’d fallen in love with and where my husband and I had spent part of our honeymoon. I…
As I sat at my computer much like I am today, the words literally popped into my head. I don’t remember what I was working on or what I was…
Dear Lord, I thank you with all my heart for this wonderful gift of life and thank you for making us aware of the beauty you have created in this…
Have you ever been where you knew God wanted you to be, but still experienced great storms of life? That is what happened to the disciples in Matthew 14:22-33. Immediately after Jesus…
I have a two, almost three, year old grandson who loves solving puzzles. A few weeks ago when he was visiting, I went in search of a puzzle we could…
By definition, gratitude is the quality or feeling of being thankful or grateful. It is our readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. If you Google the word,…
Every year it seems Christmas comes a little earlier. Have you ever noticed that? Its called Christmas Creep and it's a real thing. Way before Halloween even, the isles of…
We all weather storms in life, don’t we? I had a recent health scare that could have been considerably more stormy than it really was. But there was a time of…
The children were gathered around Pastor on the steps leading to the alter. He was asking them what they cherished. As I sat there I was thinking, I wonder if…
The fear of having a miscarriage or losing a child at any age is something that every parent must deal with. The reality of this loss is tragic. October is…