Make Time for God’s Word

Bible Study

You know you should, but you don’t, do you?  I mean, who has the time?  We’ve got work, there’s that meeting, dinner to make, reports to write, kids to attend to, and heaven forbid we miss this week’s episode of This is Us! So there it lays.  How long has it been?  A few days, weeks, months? I […]

Stop Living In Scarcity

I just sat there. Stunned.  All I could think was, “you’ve got to be kidding me! They’re laying me off and giving my job back to the person I replaced?” As the HR person went on to explain whatever it is she had to say, my mind kept swirling with, “It isn’t fair!  She’s the […]

Are You a Peaceful Warrior?

We’ve been trained to avoid the tough conversations in life, haven’t we?  It seems that it’s been getting worse for those of us who speak out about Christ.  We are being ridiculed for our beliefs on a much larger scale than ever before.  And in reality, we are more than relieved to step back and […]

Showing Your Faith At Work

There are all kinds of politics and dynamics to be aware of in the workplace. It can be challenging to maneuver it all. Especially in this environment of political correctness. To compensate, Christians typically err in one of three ways.  We either bury our faith to all but our closest friends so that we can […]

Be A Servant Leader

I read a quote the other day that really struck a chord with me. It says, “Oftentimes, we confuse leadership with dictatorship. A dictator barks out orders and does not take into account the wants and needs of others. A servant leader is the complete opposite. A servant leader works tirelessly to develop his or […]

Invite God into Your Work

Pretty much everyone will tell you that stress is the biggest challenge they deal with today both in their work and their home life. Whether you work for someone else, for yourself, or are no longer in the workplace, there is no way to avoid having to deal with things we cannot control.  And let’s face it, […]

Settle Down and Get to Work

When I retired after spending 30 years in affordable housing finance, I envisioned a lot of books, movies, and naps in my future.  People would ask me if I was going to take a big vacation and my answer was always, “No, because there are a lot of books to be read.”  Besides, I was […]

For a Time Such as This

No matter how familiar or unfamiliar you are with the Bible, I’m betting you know at least a little bit about the story of Esther.   The story is dramatic as any modern-day miniseries and is one of my favorites.  I encourage you to go read it for yourself.  Basically Esther is chosen to be […]

Your Communication Style and Why it Matters

Photo of Vona Coaching

How we communicate is a direct reflection of who we are.  How effectively we communicate in different situations will impact whether we will succeed in various aspects of our lives or not.  Do you know your communication style?  Do you know when to adapt your style for different situations?  Today I would like to delve into that and explain […]

Fulfilling Your Purpose

Stop for just a moment and think about the big moments in your life.  The day you got married, your children were born, you received your diploma, or you reached a life-changing goal.  Some, like these, where mountain top experiences,   But for most of us, others fill us with shame to even remember, don’t they?  Think about how God […]