The Real Game of Thrones Continues

I have a confession to make.  I’m a Game of Thrones fan.  I was a late bloomer and binge-watched the first five seasons in a couple of weeks so I would be ready for season six’s release.  Please don’t quiz me on the finer details of the show, I’m sure I’d embarrass myself. But I found that once […]

The Cat’s in the Cradle

The first time I heard Cat’s in the Cradle after Harry Chapin released it back in 1974, I instantly fell in love with it. The words haunted me with a sadness I couldn’t shake. It reminds me of the relationships we don’t take the time to nurture in our lives and I don’t remember ever being able […]

Your Life, Your Choice

I sat in the front row of the local Think, Drive – Stay Alive event listening to the speaker share his life’s story.  As he spoke, he was laying a trail of papers that snaked all around the stage representing the rap sheet of his convictions starting from when he was a teenager through well into his adult […]

Are You Happy?

Don’t you love it when a child says something so simple, but when you really think about it has a deep meaning and becomes a prevalent thought for days on end?  My three-year-old grandson has this thing he does.  Every once in a while he will stop whatever he’s doing and simply ask, “Are you […]

Live Your More!

If you are haunted by the knowledge that you were created for more, you know what it feels like to feel adrift.  To feel that there must be more to life. You feel like you have bits and pieces of the answer, but they don’t seem to fit together. And it doesn’t make sense. We […]

A Time for Change

A little over a year ago I was learning how to create a podcast and I was deep in the process of finding the perfect name to describe what my show would be about.  I knew I wanted it to be about pointing my listeners back to the Word to find answers and not relying on […]

Celebrate Every Day Like It’s Easter!

I love Easter. I’ve loved it for as long as I can remember. Of course, initially, my love of the holiday had nothing to do with the real reason we celebrate, I just loved getting together with my cousins, the Easter egg hunts, the candy and, let’s face it, the promise of a gift from […]

A Walk in Hope

She was two, maybe three years old. And just as adorable as a little girl has the right to be.  She was my first niece and I loved playing with her whenever I had the chance.  I remember being enthralled with all the sweet clothes they had for little girls back then.  One day she had on a […]

Longing For More

Longing for More at the beach

We are all created with a purpose in life. Most of us know someone who instinctively knew their purpose from a very early age and set out to fulfill it without wavering. They are healthy, happy, and fulfilled and are in want of nothing else. Others have a really good life, but always with a […]

Use Words of Encouragement

Photo - serious look with client

Haters are gonna hate.  I don’t know who coined that phrase, but it’s a good summary of Proverbs 9:8 which says, “Don’t bother rebuking mockers; they will only hate you.”  As always, it is best to read a verse with the verses around it to get the full context.  Let’s check it out starting with verse 7, “Anyone who […]