The Tolerance Shift

Picture of group showing compassion

Scripture tells us to shine our light into the world. Luke tells us that all secrets will eventually be brought into the open. Everything concealed will be brought to light and be made known to all. I believe he is telling us that when the light of truth about Jesus shines within us, we are […]

The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth.

Blog Banner for the Truth - .picture of hands holding the Bible

When we take an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, we are declaring that we will tell the absolute truth about something without omission, embellishment, or alteration. We can be held in contempt of court if we bear a false witness when witnessing in court. Everyone gets this, […]

When The Voice of Doubt Takes Over

Every once in a while, the voice of doubt overtakes me. Does that ever happen to you? For me, it reared its ugly head when it was time to publicize the episode of Longing for More I posted recently.   It didn’t show up until after I recorded and released the episode on all the various platforms. […]

Looking Back…

Some will tell you never to look back, to keep moving forward, and forget the past. I’m not one of those people.  I believe we sometimes need to stop and take a look over our shoulder to see where we’ve been. Not to lament opportunities missed. Not to mourn our losses. But instead to acknowledge how far […]

A Modern Day Babel

A Modern Day Babel Collage

As a child, you may remember hearing the story of the tower of Babel where the people of Babylonia built a monument that reached into the sky. It was a magnificent feat; a true wonder to the world. It seemed a miracle as all the people were united in this effort and yet the Lord […]

Tools for Living Your Faith Intentionally

Believing in Jesus is one thing; having faith he will do what he says he will do is another thing entirely. That is what living your faith is all about. What is Living Your Faith? “But what does living your faith look like?” you might ask. For me, it is trusting God when he promises […]

A Monumental Christmas Story

Guest Post by Shauna Letellier, author of Remarkable Advent.   A few years ago, I was driving around town doing the after-school shuffle. I dropped off my youngest at swim team and rushed to the middle school to pick up my middle son. One of his friends needed a ride, so I gladly ran him […]

Giving Thanks in the Midst of COVID, Cancer, and Chaos

This year is going down as the worst year in many people’s lives and for good reason.  It has been a year full of challenges, for sure. In fact, on the surface, it seems there are very few if any redeeming features from this year and a lot of people I know would love to […]

Commemorating Our Heros

We thank you; We salute you.

I am beyond grateful for the freedoms we enjoy as a result of their sacrifices, I just don’t take the time to attend the services that are usually held on November 11. Of course this year there are few if any services to attend.  Ironically, this is the year I feel more patriotic toward those […]

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Whether it is a national election, results from a medical test, or any other of a million things we wait for in life, it is so hard to wait. We can think of nothing else. Particularly if it is news that will make a major impact on our life; good or bad.  Today we wait […]