The Twists and Turns of Life

It’s been an exciting couple of weeks. The journey I’m on took some twists and turns I hadn’t really expected. It started out when I received confirmation on a speaking engagement I’ve been really excited about, then I had a particularly awesome session with a coaching client, and lastly, I was appointed to the city […]
Saying Goodbye

Have you ever noticed how bittersweet it is to say goodbye? You dread the parting, but know that it is that rare opportunity to let your loved one know you will miss them and will be thinking of them until the next time you reunite. You may not say it in so many words, but […]
Just One Life…

The course I took to become a health coach, was a large investment, in both time and money. I convinced myself that if I was able to watch every episode of Game of Thrones in a month while working full time, I could probably find time to do my lesson plans. I justified the cost […]
Into the Sunlight…

Years ago while visiting family in Arkansas, I got the opportunity to go explore a cave. Not the kind you pay to get a tour of, but a cave that was hidden on the property they lived on. I remember walking in and being in total awe of everything around me. You had to watch […]
The revolution…

As I stood in the boarding area waiting for a seating assignment for my flight home early yesterday, I kept noticing this somewhat disheveled, casually dressed man. When our eyes would meet, I would look away quickly because, honestly, I was intrigued by him but didn’t want him to think I was staring. It was […]
A Tribute to My Mom

It Mother’s Day which is a good time to reflect on how amazing our moms really are. There are all kinds of mom and all kinds of tributes listing the sacrifices moms make for their children, so I am not going to repeat them for you here. Rather, I want to take a few minutes to […]
Making a Difference

I’ve been a blood donor for many years, some years more consistently than others. A couple of weeks ago when I went in, I received my pin for having donated 7 Gallons. I guess I hadn’t ever thought about how much blood I’ve given before; I go when the church has a drive and my […]
He is Risen!

“He is Risen Indeed!” “Alleluia!” I have to admit the first several times I participated in this exchange in my then-new church, I was a little uncomfortable. I was in my early twenties and we had never shared such an exchange in the church I grew up in. Now, thirty years later, the exchange brings […]
Holy Week…

It is my favorite week of the year. As the years go by, I amincreasingly curious about how those last days played out for Jesus and humbled by what it means to me personally. Accurate or not, I have a strong visual in my mind about how it all might have been due to an […]

I began my TrulyLive.Us website and subsequently this blog with the intention to write about things that make us passionate about life or help us to live intentionally. For some reason, I have really struggled to come up with a topic to share this week; hence the silence. Every thought that came to me either […]