Better Than You Can Imagine

I’ve seen it four times and it still makes me cry every time.  The message of forgiveness, redemption, and hope is so powerful it draws me in and I learn new lessons each time I see it.  I’ve watched parts of other movies dozens of times over a period of years, but I’ve never sat down and […]

Living Our Messy Lives

Life gets messy.  We can plan and organize, but things always seem to get in the way.  I’ve always said, “if you want to make God laugh, just make plans.”  Of course, we make plans anyway.  We need to or otherwise, we drift.  The only thing worse than making plans that have to be changed […]

No More Hiding…

The words reverberated in my ears, “How do you need to step out in faith? What are you being called to? What voice have you been holding onto and not showing the world?” The tears were almost instantaneous was my coach was talking to our group. It was like she had peeked into my life […]

Lessons Learned from My Hospital Bed

Say what you will about our health care system, the equity of how people receive it, or how expensive it is, and chances are I’ll agree with much of what you say.  We all know there are problems and a lot needs to be fixed.  But if you will, for just a short time here, I’d like […]

Focusing on The Clouds

Do you ever take the time to just watch the clouds float by?  As a kid, I used to love to imagine God and the angels just above our line of vision and wonder what it would be like to be there with them.  Unfortunately, I haven’t taken the time to do that for years; […]

Living in Gratitude

Have you ever painstakingly searched for the perfect gift for someone and then after you gave it to them it was met with indifference and possibly not even acknowledged?   It’s especially disappointing when that happens and you knew without a doubt it was the perfect gift.  But for some reason, it wasn’t exactly what […]

Take Pleasure in Your Work

Sometimes we fall into the trap of believing that our day-to-day tasks are mundane.  If we look at what others are doing we begin to believe that the things that we are doing for a living, the tasks we do for our loved ones, or even as service to others in our free time aren’t […]

Remarkable Faith

I’m always in awe of the many talented people out there who are seemingly fearlessly stepping into their calling.  Each person’s gifts are so different from everyone else’s and it really is beautiful when we take time to notice how everyone if they choose to, can use those gifts for good.  When I refer to a calling, […]

Ask and You Shall Receive

Did you know we don’t have to ask God for joy, happiness, fulfillment, or peace?  Instead, did you realize that they are all residual benefits of seeking God’s kingdom first?  I’ve prayed for peace and other fruits of the spirit for so long and, yes, I’ve certainly experienced the fruits of the spirit in my […]

Letting Go of Control; The Art of Surrender

When is enough, enough?  We all have a tendency to get caught up in wanting more and more of something in our lives.   The way we crave that thing becomes a vicious cycle and soon its almost impossible to have enough; we’ve become addicted.  In last week’s blog and Reviving Your Soul (Now Longing for More) show, we talked about […]