Trusting God Even When We’re In Over Our Head

Have you ever had one of those moments when you are heavily invested in a project and you realize you’re seriously in over your head? You know, one of the times like you decide to paint a wall, but then realize the new color doesn’t match the carpeting, so you decide to take the plunge […]
What Kind of Legacy Will You Leave?

Do you ever think about what people in your life will remember you by when you are gone? Or more importantly, do you wonder if their lives are better for having known you? I have considered this at various times throughout my life, but seem to more in this time where it feels it feels […]
105: Moving from Uneasy Times to a Place of Peace

The ability to take a bad situation and find the good in it is a rare gift. Being able to share the experience in an inspiring story is even rarer. Motivational speaker and author, Michael Arterberry, has this gift.
104: What Kind of Legacy Will You Leave?

When we talk about leaving a legacy, we want to leave behind something that matters. In these uncertain times, it is especially important to be intentional about our words and actions to ensure we endow those we love with the gift of faith and not fear. This episode of Longing for More reminds us of […]
103: It’s Time to Stop Hiding From the Camera

Everyone knows someone who avoids the camera. They conveniently turn away, disappear, or make a face whenever a camera is pointed at them. I get it. Most of us are uncomfortable having our picture taken. But it isn’t always about us, is it? This week’s episode of Longing to More will challenge you to rethink […]
102: Do The One Thing That Matters

Our lives are full of choices. Things we should do, things we shouldn’t do, things we want to do, things we don’t want to do, and a thousand things in between. It’s hard to keep track of it all and it’s nearly impossible to keep from getting overwhelmed. But when we consciously make decisions based […]
101: Connecting with Hope and Healing Through Humor

Laughter is a gift we can use to connect with people in a way that little else can. It can also heal us both physically and emotionally. This is demonstrated beautifully by the work guest, Dave Ebert, founder of the Gifts for Glory Ministry and Well Verse Comedy, does. In this episode, Dave shares how […]
100: Spreading the Message of Hope Through Podcasts

We are called to share the hope we have in Jesus with the world. Some share as a ministry, others as a part of their work, and yet others simply by the actions they take. A relatively new way to share the message is through podcasting. But you don’t have to host your own show […]
99: Finding Peace in Relationship and Religion – Part 2 of 2

Many believers keep a clear separation of their faith for the rest of their life. The result can be anything but living in peace. In this, the second episode of a two-part series on relationships and religion, we visit with coach, author, and podcaster, Tim Winders. In this candid conversation, we hear his unique perspective […]
Finding Peace in Relationship and Religion

Have you noticed the amazing things that people are doing for others these days? People working long hours, putting themselves and their families at risk to help others through these trying times. People are checking in on neighbors, delivering groceries, and doing really creative things to help brighten others’ lives. Of course, we aren’t surprised. […]