Tools for Living Your Faith Intentionally

Believing in Jesus is one thing; having faith he will do what he says he will do is another thing entirely. That is what living your faith is all about. What is Living Your Faith? “But what does living your faith look like?” you might ask. For me, it is trusting God when he promises […]
A Monumental Christmas Story

Guest Post by Shauna Letellier, author of Remarkable Advent. A few years ago, I was driving around town doing the after-school shuffle. I dropped off my youngest at swim team and rushed to the middle school to pick up my middle son. One of his friends needed a ride, so I gladly ran him […]
Giving Thanks in the Midst of COVID, Cancer, and Chaos

This year is going down as the worst year in many people’s lives and for good reason. It has been a year full of challenges, for sure. In fact, on the surface, it seems there are very few if any redeeming features from this year and a lot of people I know would love to […]
Commemorating Our Heros

I am beyond grateful for the freedoms we enjoy as a result of their sacrifices, I just don’t take the time to attend the services that are usually held on November 11. Of course this year there are few if any services to attend. Ironically, this is the year I feel more patriotic toward those […]
The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Whether it is a national election, results from a medical test, or any other of a million things we wait for in life, it is so hard to wait. We can think of nothing else. Particularly if it is news that will make a major impact on our life; good or bad. Today we wait […]
Living a Grace-Full Life

When you hear the word graceful, what comes to mind? Generally, we think of things that are elegant and beautiful. Maybe you think of a ballerina, a star athlete making a beautiful catch, or even a bird in flight. If I’m being honest, no one has ever accused me of being graceful. When I took […]
My Cancer Journey

In September of 2020, my life took a detour I hadn’t planned on taking. I was diagnosed with non-invasive breast cancer and decided to share a bit about the journey here rather than on social media. The posts are dated and if you are new to this journey with me, you may want to start […]
Permission to Pause

There are times in life when we need to let go of something we love to make room for something we love even more. I find myself at one of those times now. Ever since I was a young girl I’ve wanted to write. And I have. I’ve journaled. I’ve written poems. Even during the […]
Friends for Eternity

Sometimes… Just spending some quality time with good friends is the only therapy you need. I don’t know who coined that phrase, but it is so true. Especially in these times when we are social distancing. Friends are such an important part of our lives. If you are lucky, you have at least a few […]
Remembering 9/11: The Day We United

September 11 will always be a day we remember. Terrorists attacked our country with every intention of destroying our way of life. But they hadn’t counted on our faith and our resilience. Instead of falling apart, we came together. Yes, at first we were afraid. Everything stopped for a time as we mourned our losses […]